purple cauliflower

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

What places sell this, got any idea looking for seeds for a friend

she wants to order them, I wasnt sure besides bakercreek, and their out of theirs


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

oh boy you've been busy, thanks farmerdill, I just love your garden name!!!!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Farmer Dill, I have another question for you have you bought seed potatos on line. She's also looking for yukon gold and the purple potato, to plant, and there isnothing like that around here, we can only get red pontiac and we have to travel 45 min to get those.

thanks in advance


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

I don't buy a lot on line, prefering to support my local suppliers.and also since I buy pretty much in bulk it's a lot cheaper. Shipping is expensive especially for potatoes, However, Ronniger has Yukon Gold and several blue / purple cultivars and has a good reputation in the Watchdog. I have grown Yukon Gold and it is an excellent performer. About 30 years ago I grew the Peruvian Blue and was not impressed with its performance. Great novelty tho. There are several newer cultivars that may have much better performance (yields)

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks, that's the one site she did find, she's going to order the sample thing they have there. I'd love to find the yukon gold locally, your right on shiping it's outragious

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