Going to plant a lilac - which ones do you like the best?

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

I want to plant a lilac bush and only have room for one, so now I need to choose. Which ones do you like the best and why- color, smell, etc
I live in zone 5 to 6 Colorado. They grow well here. Thanks,

Joseph, OR(Zone 5a)

I planted a Pearl Martin last Spring. Took off like crazy on my shady north side. There are buds all over just bursting to pop out!

Good luck!

PS - Hello neighboor!

Kennewick, WA(Zone 6b)

I can give you my two favorites.

Charles Joly is a dark wine color. The color is the reason to grow this one.

Mt. Baker is a white one with a great fragrance.

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

Thank you! I love lilacs!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Mobi, I love lilacs, and would hate to have to pick just one. However, if I did it would be Josee. Josee will bloom about 3-4 times for us, from spring until fall if deadheaded. If you don't deadhead it will only bloom once, maybe twice. Very nice fragrance. I also like Syringa microphylla 'Superba', which reblooms once here, and has a spicy fragrance. You can keep Superba to almost any size, and they are perfect in flower borders. (So maybe more than one, c'mon). Polly

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

Alright, I ordered a Miss Kim because of the size so I have room for one of those big ones now.

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