Have you seen a magnolia topiary??

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

My husband isn't a huge fan of magnolias and I really love them. I'd like to get two or three of of the little gems, pot them, and start trying to train as a large topiary and give it an upper ball and maybe that would give it some funky flair. I'm not at all formal, and I know topiary is, but doing it with a magnolia seems like using a laid back plant with a homey feel, but getting a fun result... have you seen this done before?? I guess the biggest problem would be getting one that had a strong main branch and not multi stems.. I Don't know?? Do you??


Oak Grove, MN(Zone 4a)

The only thing I have ever heard about pruning magnolias is don't, because they will sucker and have water sprouts like crazy. Don't know if it's true or not. It's a neat idea though. Pictures please if you do it!

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

You could easily keep a 'Little Gem' as a patio tree, or small standard. Wouldn't it be gorgeous with blooming annuals or perennials flowing out of it's pot!

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

I just got back from the Home depot where I saw the little gems and I really took a good look and don't see it being a good topiary... However, artsts do take the liberty of creating them for prints as I have seen from doing a search online, so at least it does exist in someones mind!! :)

Look what I just found though.... it's in Italy and it's a magnolia topiary and boy its pretty..

halfway down the page

Short of going to Italy, how would I make that happen I wonder??


This message was edited Apr 7, 2005 1:48 PM

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

That Magnolia looks very similar to 'Little Gem'. It has small leaves (for a Magnolia), too. I would just get a 'Little Gem' and prune it tight. You can't shear it like you can small-leaved plant but you could easily get a 'Little Gem' to look just like that! Just purchase it in a "Standard" form instead of "Low-branch" or "multi-branch". You can do it!

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Okay then!! but I do need to find a smaller version of the ones I saw so that I can make sure the trunk grows straight and I can guide it along... I will keep this idea as I shop for plants.


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