Veitch's blue

Reno, NV(Zone 6a)

I have a box of 6 roots of the Veitch's Blue plant (aka Echinops Ritro) that I purchased at Costco. Before I plant them I want to make DARN sure they are not invasive. The flower looks sort of like a thistle but not the leaves. This is what the box says: Showy plants with light green foliage. They will grow in any well-drained soil, but do even better in moisture retentive soils. Shelter from afternoon sun, especially in hot areas. Apply mulch in winter in cold zones. They should reach 40" - 45". They were grown in Holland. I'm still dealing with a couple of invasive plants and don't want to add another to current crop. If anyone knows about this plant I'd love some input. Thanks.

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