Wood Frogs

Shelburne Falls, MA

Wood Frogs are just today entering my small back yard pond. Does anyone know how to take care of a pond so that these frogs and other life can use it for their environment? I have growth in this pond that looks like sphagmum moss. It is deep and I think it will be like a garden next year if I don't take a lot out. I don't know if these frogs and the green frogs which appear later, need this to live in. How can I find out?

Thumbnail by lolagard
Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

I can't answer any of your questions but I think your frogs are cool!

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Maybe the folks at the water gardens forum would know. I would post this there, too. Or the wildlife forum.

Duncan, OK

Depending on your view of all life forums, If you dont have neighbors, use a gun. If you do have neighbors, use a high power BB and/or pellet gun. Or you could drain the pond this time every year. I have these same frogs in my worm bins. They eat my little worm friends... I SHOW NO MERCY!

Hercules, CA(Zone 10a)

It has recently been discovered that the adjuvant that is used in Round-Up herbicide is especially toxic to polliwogs. Even small amounts that may get into the water will kill off the baby frogs. Make sure that you only use non-toxic herbicides and/or weed control around your pond.

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