Getting over fear of computer...

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

My MIL walked in on Easter, handed me a Dell flyer and told me she was "ready" LOL

So......... I ordered her a nice system, it came in on Friday. Today I got it all set up, got her connected to the internet, showed her how to do email, how to search, etc. I told her to play with it tonight, and I'm going back down tomorrow to show her how to work her new digital camera, downloading pictures, printing pictures, etc.

This woman who has traveled the world BY HERSELF with no fear... is absolutely scared to death of this computer. She hasn't worked since her kids were born.... her oldest is 50. :-) So, she really hasn't been exposed to computers much at all. The system I took out was an old DOS system that she still used occasionally to play Bridge.

She can't get the mouse clicking thing down... can't "double click" or control the mouse... she is just completely and utterly intimidated by this machine.... what can I do to make her less afraid... I've already told her to just play with it... she can't break it... if anything screws up I'll fix it. But, I talked to her a little while ago and she hasn't touched it since I left...

Has anyone else experienced this? What did you do to help them get over the fear/intimidation?

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