plant what where

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

The house we moved into has a fenced off garden with some beds outlined with boards and a couple rows of small 'hills.' Which vegies should I put where? Specifically, which plants will benefit from the raised hills? I am doing all the usual - tomatoes, corn, potatoes, onions, garlic, beans, strawberries, lettuce, spinach, brocolli, asparagus, artichoke, melon, pumpkin.

We have a second fenced garden in the back that looks like it doesn't get as much sun. I guess I'll put the lettuce and spinach back there. What else might I try back in an area with not quite as much sun. I'll have to time it on a sunny day. The back garden gets more morning sun while the front one gets more all-day sun, including late afternoon. We are in zone 7/8 in the PNW.


Woonsocket, RI(Zone 6b)

I know that tomatoes and cukes need alot of sun. I would watch the sun and see where it lands during the day and for how long and check the Plantfiles forum located at Dave's Garden and check on each veggie for the correct care,

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Cukes, squash, etc are often planted in "hills," spaced at least 3 feet apart (for non-bush varieties). But even it that's what was growing in these hills last year, I've been advised to rotate crops to different locations to avoid having this year's crop encounter last year's pests. My "hills" are in my orchard area rather in the main veggie bed, so this year I'll flatten them down a little & stick perennials in them, and I'll hoe up new hills in different spots.

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