Woodland delights

Cheshire, United Kingdom

I thought I would show a few pictures of some of my spring flowers in my woodland garden! A nice Erythronium, White Beauty I think!

Thumbnail by Mauser
Cheshire, United Kingdom

A nice Tiarella Iron Cross, thriving under my old Oak tree!

Thumbnail by Mauser
Cheshire, United Kingdom

Pulmonaria Blue Ensign. I'm trying to get better at taking photo's in the garden, sometime's I get a wobbly hand! LOL

Thumbnail by Mauser
Cheshire, United Kingdom

I finally stopped the rabbits getting in this year so some of my delicate beautys have had a great spring! Anemone nemorosa Bracteta Pleniflora.

Thumbnail by Mauser
Cheshire, United Kingdom

And finally for now, 2 of my most precious boys, playing whilst I work! Mauser and Garthog!

Thumbnail by Mauser
Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

What wonderful photos thanks so much for sharing them Mauser.
You come from the best part of the world (I was born in Chester ;)

BTW how do you tell Mauser and Garthog apart (love the names!!!!!)

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Beautiful flower photos and love your cats.

Cheshire, United Kingdom

Hello Philomel,

I'm pleased that you like the photo's! The way to tell the brothers apart is Mauser has the darker M on his head, is the largest and the loudest, whilst Garthog is slightly paler with tuftier ears, and has only meowed 4 times in the 5 years we've had him, but has the loudest purr. I have three more boys Pounce, who is the brother of the 2 above, Don Nico who is the oldest, and little Jordy who is the youngest! I'll try to get some pictures of the other 3 when I'm next taking pictures in the garden!
We live about 11 miles from Chester, a very nice part of the country! Do you miss it?

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Looking forward to more photos of your cats!

Santiago, Chile(Zone 9b)

Yeah, another cat-addict here LOL.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes, roseone, so am I :)

Thanks for the details of your cats Mauser. They all sound great characters!

I only lived in Chester til I was 5 and a half, but dreamt about the places we went walking, down by the Dee and in the Welsh mountains, til well into my teens. I didn't know where they were, but described them to my Mother who would give them all a name. I really loved the area. We moved to Kent where I lived until last year. Have been here in SW France since last May. It reminds me of Cheshire a little with lovely rivers and water meadows. Also the historic towns and villages, though in a different style of course.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

You are both making me dream of life in the "old country"! ;- )

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Hi Ursula, we posted at the same time and I didn't see yours til this morning :)
What cats have you got?

Have you been to Europe at all rose?

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Hello philomel, yes I went on the "grand tour" when I graduated from highschool. My grandmother sent me on a tour with a gaggle of silly young girls, (myself included) and we "did" 8 or 10 countries in 10 days. I enjoyed it and have good memories but truly, youth is wasted on the young. LOL :-)

Cheshire, United Kingdom

Hello Ursula, Rose and Philomel,
I managed to find a few more pictures of the boys from last year! They are spoilt rotten, and don't know what the word work means!
Please tell me I'm not the only one who's hypnotised by cats!
Mu husband had only had dogs till he meet me, he thought cats we cold and unloving!
Ask him now, and he says he dosen't know how he'd live without them!!!LOL!!!
The 1st is the triplets Mauser, Garthog and Pounce...

Thumbnail by Mauser
Cheshire, United Kingdom

This little is Jordy, the baby of the family with his best pal Garthog...

Thumbnail by Mauser
Cheshire, United Kingdom

.....and finally the King of the Castle, who rules over all the household,
Don Nico Pudloeni. (Named after watching the Godfather, we could tell as a kitten that he had alot of cattitude!) I asked him 1st if he would mind you all admiring him, he said only if it was his best side!!
I'm sure you must all think I'm mad, but the pleasure these boys have given us over the years, I haven't got the words to describe it.
They are very good at helping in the garden, particulary Pounce who is chief squirrel hunter. They do more damage than the rabbits in the garden. I don't know wether any of you have a problem with them?

Thumbnail by Mauser

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