Contorted White Pine

Windsor, Ontario, ON(Zone 6b)

Does anyone have one of these? I saw one at a visit to our local nursery last week and fell in love with the fluffy little thing. I have to put one in at the new house (moving in a couple of weeks). It's very soft and appealing, kind of zany looking. Just wondering if anyone has experience with them to suggest where it might be happiest.



Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Assuming it's grafted on white pine understock, it should grow well anywhere you can grow standard white pine -- reasonable drainage, full sun, freedom from competition, etc.

Guy S.

Windsor, Ontario, ON(Zone 6b)

Okay, Guy, that sounds reasonable enough. I didn't have the impression that it was grafted, the lady at the nursery talked about "stake training" it to grow upright; she said that's why they sold them at a fairly large size, because it took that level of maturity to get it to stand up, instead of "collapsing all over the ground like it wants to."

I don't think I can resist it....


Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

That's probably true, but they still need to be propagated asexually and I don't know of anyone who is rooting them from cuttings or producing them via tissue culture, so that leaves grafting. Anyway, go for it!

Guy S.

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