A collecting we will go!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I've been off to Stokesley for the day. I'm trawling the bookshops and libraries for old folk tales that I might be able to use in storytelling. Admittedly there is a lot of material available on the Internet, but it is a little bland in style, and I am sure there is a lot more material out there that is not yet on the Internet. I'm partly looking for second-hand, out-of-print books that might contain interesting material that I can adapt and make my own.

So, off I headed for Stokesley. It was a bit cloudy to start with, but I gradually saw the clouds clearing and it turned out to be a lovely sunny day. I was able to take photographs of the daffodils down by the banks of the River Leven - the mallards were busy swimming around and quacking away. I had a very nice lunch at the Spread Eagle - bunny pie with new potatoes and fresh veggies - yummy!

After lunch I went off to the bookshop. It's an independent bookseller (I prefer them, their stock is so much more varied). And yes, he had several books of local interest material and I eventually selected a couple. While I was selecting them I heard the bookseller behind me bemoaning the fact that young people today don't read and do too many computer games. He eventually served the customer that he was talking to and I approached with my two books.

I asked if he any more books on folklore. Well, I'd got onto one of his favourite topics. We had quite a long discussion, particularly when I'd made it clear that I was interested in finding stories. The bookseller started telling me about an old man who lived locally who has a wealth of stories. This old man, in his late 70s, kept a local pub. His family had lived in the area for generations and generations. It's near an extremely old and historically interesting building called Spout House. And this old man loves telling stories. The bookseller settled back to tell me one. Now, I have to say that this was more of a snippet, or an anecdote. It was very short. But there was a look of pure joy on the face of the bookseller as he told me it - he was in ecstasies!

Well, the bookseller has given me the name and address of this old man, and his name too, so that I can give his name when I go to see him. It's not quite the easiest place for me to get to, but certainly the Moorsbus passes its door and could presumably pick me up on the way back (I'll check this out first).

I've been on the Internet and I've found this country pub on it and some information about the family. There's been extensive work done on their family tree.

So, should I pop along to this pub, do you think, and chat to this old man? I don't know what sort of quality his stories would be, or even whether he would be willing to tell me them. But the bookseller is looking forward to hearing how I progress.

This website shows the old building:

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Very interesting Northerner, I would hope that you "go for it" and visit the fellow. You don't have to much to lose and it may turn out to be a wonderful experience for both of you.
The outing you described sounds perfect. One of these days....

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

It was certainly an interesting day roseone. I am pretty certain that the Moorsbus that I use would be able to drop me off at the pub. I need to check though that I would be able to find a pick-up point later in the day where I could return to "civilisation" again. These are isolated roads - not too many bus-stops!!!

I may also consider contacting one of my story-telling acquaintances about this. They might be able to give me advice on the niceties of doing this. This is very important if it turns out to be a lead to a source storyteller and I want to make a record of his stories, either for retelling, or for publication or both. Luckily I have one or two contacts now.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Good Luck Northerner!

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Do you have a tape recorder you will be taking along? You may have a nice supply of original stories. It's a rare find to discover someone who is into stories these days. Do it soon!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

You really are doing well getting onto all of this.
Good luck with finding your man ;)
Do keep us up to date with how it all goes!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I'll probably leave it till a bit later in the summer when there are more bus services. At the moment the buses only go on that route once a week. it's more often in summer. I'm also a bit pressed for time right now. Need to get out in my garden later this week...

Yes, I'll have to get a good tape recorder.

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