grow box mixture

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

was reading the instructions for the grow boxes i ordered and they say that i should use a container mixture that contains no fertilizer since ou apply the two inch strip on top of the mixture. had a tough time tracing down this stuff. all the big garden centers only seem to have the kind mixed with fertilizer. finally found it at a small local nursery. cost is about 8-9 dollars a bag and i would need about two bags for each grow box. anyone know where i can do better. have walmalt and lowes here. home depot only has the kind with fertilizer already mixed in. i really don't want to go to the trouble of buying the stuff and making my own.

Worden, IL(Zone 6a)

I called the earthbox people because I was having the same problem. They told me that Walmarts brand of potting mix was ok to use because it has very little fertilizer. Hope this helps.


Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

cindy - thanks for the info. will give them a try.

Oklahoma City, OK(Zone 7a)

Herbie, I'm so glad you asked this. I haven't even taken my Earth Boxes out of the packaging yet. Now I know where to go and I didn't even know I'd have a problem. :) We have to wait to set our tomatoes in the ground here until 4/15, but I don't see any reason why I can't plant them in the EB's ahead of time and keep them in the sun during the day and bring them in at night. What do you think? I'm always trying to bend the rules. :)

Coopersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

carla, i considered doing the hardening that way too, but i think you'll find once the EB is filled with dirt and water, it's gonna be very very heavy. how about maybe using the walls of water?

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I don't think walls-of-water will work in an EB. When full the EB weighs 60 lbs. So it is kind of cumbersome to move. By moving them in and out may put more stress on them than cold weather. April 15 is not that far away so I would wait and do it right unless you want to risk getting a hernia ???

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

although my last frost date is may 15th i have learned the hard way that the best time for me to plant into the garden is june 1st.

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