Anyone used "PlanTea"?

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Came across this stuff on the web and thought I might try it until I get my worm bin going. Tried a compost bin, but it's just not working -- we don't have the proper mix to work with (no leaves, grass, clippings -- just weeds!) and it means buying stuff to put in my bin, which is silly. So, I'm going to switch to worms. Until that happens, I thought this stuff sounded simple. I'm ready to request a sample, but thought I'd ask you all first.

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Hi Kaperc,
I haven't tried Plantea, I followed your link and did some reading. I think it's kind of pricey for what you get.
We recently had two good threads on alfalfa tea
Everyone says it's great, (not just on roses & bulbs)
I started using it and I'm amazed at the results.
For less than $10.00 you can get a 50lb bag of alfalfa pellets, enough to make a whole season's supply of tea for a very large garden.
try these two links:


No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Thanks, Dovey. I agree Plantea is pricey, that's why I thought I'd use it just until I get my worms going. However, I would love to find an easy DIY solution.

Having read the alfalfa tea thread, I don't think it's for us -- neither my husband nor I can stand strong smells for long and logistically it would be difficult. :-)

I've looked for a thread but haven't found an answer to this question -- is it worthwhile to make tea with bagged worm castings? I don't need much right now, just for my veggie bed and a few potted things. Our landscape is in CA natives, and we've been advised not to fertilize them. We are planting some fruit trees and more pots, though, so the need will grow.

Looks like we are not far apart -- I had to look up French Valley. We're next to Fallbrook.



Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Worm castings make a great tea. You can also just sprinkle them around the base of the plants and water it in. I think the tea has faster results.

I was recently reading about making weed tea for your garden. They said that
any weed that is growing in your garden is perfect to make a tea (really
more like a tincture) What ever nutrient the weed is stealing from the soil
will be leached out into the water and you can then return it to the soil.
Get a bucket of water, put your weeds in (none that have gone to seed) seal
with a plastic bag and let it brew in the sun for 3 days up to 1 week. Toss
the weeds and use the water.

I love Bonsall and we looked in that area hoping to find land and build the dream home.
That idea is on hold for a little while.
French Valley unincorporated area between Winchester, Temecula and Murrieta. The Zip says Winchester, but I didn't like that name so it's French Valley for me.

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Thanks, Dovey. I think I'll just buy some worm castings until I get my own. I'm allergic to weeds and grass, so the less contact the better.

It took us a while to find a piece of land small enough (and this is too big, really) that we could afford. Couldn't go inland because of the heat. My Yorkshire born husband has acclimated to California weather, but he has his limits and so do I -- I've lived near the CA coast all my life. We're in a perfect spot, except for the highway nearby, and that's tolerable. We call our place Breezedale because there is a near-constant ocean breeze. It will be heaven when we can get some trees and shrubs growing around the place.

I think I'd go for French Valley, too. :-)

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