Kale in a pot?

Hermosa Beach, CA

I just ordered some lascinato/black tuscan/dinosaur kale that I've been wanting to grow for a few months now. Even if it likes cold climate, a fellow told me that it is heat tolerant as well...but anyway, I read this plant is suitable for container gardening. Each time I look at some pictures online, it looks like a big bush of leaves spreading everywhere and quite roomy.
So I wanted to know if anybody tried growing that kale in a container and how much space it can possibily take (I mean does it need a container just for itself?).

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I've never grown it myself, but have seen nice pics of it grown in containers. Seems like they were using large planter boxes and whiskey barrell halves and mixing them with other plants. I love using whiskey barrell halves; they're big enough that you don't have to water constantly and everthing I've tried in them gets huge. Good Luck!

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