Welcome Colorado!

Golden, CO(Zone 5b)

I just looked and am amazed at the surge in subscribers here in Colorado! In 2004, it more than doubled membership, and 10 already in 2005! That is terrific. I smell roundup! But welcome to:


It is so nice to see more of us here.

Joseph, OR(Zone 5a)

Oooh, roundup, sounds fun! I think we have Shelly221 as well, from Denver

Golden, CO(Zone 5b)

Shelly221, mtnmama, and others, but they have all been DGers for a while. I'm just thrilled at all the new people joining!

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Welcome to all of you. You would never be disappointed in a RU for Colorado. They are a blast.

Oklahoma City, OK(Zone 7a)

Glad to have you all join our garden neighborhood here. I have loved every trip I've ever taken to Colorado. GORGEOUS! I'd love to move there, too.

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Ahhh yes! Welcome to all the Colorado people!! Im sure yall will make yourselves right at home.

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Just wanted to welcome a few more I saw sneak in.


I know yall will enjoy this place.

Lakewood, CO(Zone 5a)

Hi all. I'm kinda new...(I have been out of the picture for a couple of years now) and am from Lakewood, Colorado. Really looking forward to learn about dry climate gardening and love the thought of a round up!

Golden, CO(Zone 5b)

WooHOO!!! We got another one! Welcome! Or welcome back? Whichever, we need all the Coloradoans we can get.

Anyone else reminded of that song, about some guy who wants his wife to start drinking to share his addiction?

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Hi SFTS!!! Is that you Lori?!?! Welcome at anyrate!!!

Lakewood, CO(Zone 5a)

Yes it's me (Lori).

This message was edited Apr 16, 2005 12:23 PM

This message was edited Apr 16, 2005 3:33 PM

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Oh Im so glad you are back!! I hope everything is well for you and your surgery went well? I pray the post-op pain isnt too terrible! YAY! Glad to see you!

Lakewood, CO(Zone 5a)

The surgery went well. They are pleased with the result and expect full recovery. I still cannot use my arm and am wearing a funky brace / sling thingy. I'm getting better each day and am really looking forward to getting back outside. Thank you for asking!

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Hah! DM (lizziestoy) and DA (milehighgin) both joined since I was up there the first week of March and was showing them pics of brugs.

Welcome one and all and someone should definitely get a CORU going. I might show as an honorary CO member with relatives and birthplace there. :)


Denver, CO

Well, thanks for the welcome. Happy to see there are other Colorado member's. Yes, maybe a Colo. RU would be good, be able to meet
other fellow gardner's.
8 ft.bed, the honor should be your's---this guy's a real pro and we could all
learn from him----of course, I'm not the least bit "predgidous"-----

Denver, CO

Hey, lizziestoy, let us hear from Northeastern Colo.- - - -

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Hey, I've been on DG for awhile, but never participated much. Am going to change that right now! I'm in east Denver. City Floral is my closest garden center. How about the rest of you?? I just visited the one in Lafayette yesterday, was very surprised at all the great stuff they had.

Golden, CO(Zone 5b)

I'm not close to a lot, but am in love with Tagawa out in Aurora. It's a good thing they are an hour away, or I'd be in serious trouble. Have you been there?

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Glad to see you posting revlclaus! Ive always wondered where you hang out LOL. I am up in Thornton, and am in between Paulinos, and O'Tooles. I love Paulinos! I dont know if I should keep watching this thread! I could get into big trouble learning about new garden centers, and nurseries!
How did your caladiums turn out last year revclaus? I sure didnt have luck with them in ground, but this year, they are coming up like crazy in pots, so I will just keep them there, I guess if they are happy.

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Hi Shelly, glad to see you again! My caladiums went south last year. I planted one this year a little too early and it turned up its toes. I must get out and get another one to put in with my fern garden.

I was just at Paulino's Thursday, didn't buy a thing. But I can't resist when I'm in the neighborhood. I've spent serious $$$ at Tagawa this year! DH and I take a jaunt down there and stop at Border's to read garden magazines and books and have coffee on the way home. It's WAY too pretty at that garden center. I still have to make it out to Echter's -- Terre -- is that the closest one to you? And I want to stop by Arapahoe Acres (another long trip for me) and Wilmore on the south edge of town.

Great to see all you guys. Here's a recent photo of my balcony.

Thumbnail by revclaus
(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Here's the other end.

Thumbnail by revclaus
Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Oh wow! It looks great!!
I forgot about Echters. I think I have been there too. LOL I have done real good this year at the nurseries. Thanks to the co-ops here, and traders Ive done great!
I still leave the nurseries feeling a bit anxious, I feel like I just HAVE to have something from there LOL.

Golden, CO(Zone 5b)

Yeah, Echters is closest to me, but frequently disappointing. I don't have nearly the trouble walking out of there without buying things that I do at Tagawa.

Your balcony is lovely, I sure wish I had that much in bloom!

Denver, CO

Howdy----I like Paulino's and the other day I went to
Echter's. Impressed with both, Echter's has a Web Site, regular updates and will put coupons on to copy. Plan on going back, I've also heard O'Tooles is good.
I can waste sooooo much time in those places, not to mention spend the "bucks" ha ha
Anyway, welcome aboard all!!!!!!!!!

Golden, CO(Zone 5b)

Get the Echters rewards card. Kind of like the grocery store savings cards, but not as good.

I like OTooles, not as wide a variety as Tagawa, but better prices than most. At least I don't need a second mortgage to get out of there!

I found a little hole in the wall place last week at 44th and Harlan that has a ton of perennials that many don't have. They had 12 or 15 varieties of scented geraniums for $1.98 (I only bought one :-( ) I bought Silver Lace Vine, and some veggies, and Salpiglossis, and several other things, but they had a LOT of things that I haven't seen at like O'Tooles. Very very reasonable. Not the biggest or showiest plants in town, but I'd rather have several smaller things for less money than one or two. He had annuals in an undivided flat that were 12 for $2.29.

This message was edited May 23, 2005 12:42 PM

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Ohhh boy!! LOL I think I need to take a trip!

Denver, CO

Oh boy oh boy---I'm gonna check out the 44th and Harlan-"hole in the wall"
Thanks for that tip:

Golden, CO(Zone 5b)

Sorry, streets wrong. 44th and Pierce. NW corner. Dumpy looking place.

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

I've been to the one on 44th and Pierce, but not for awhile. There used to be a place on 44th near Garrison, can't remember the name of the place. They always had a lot of stuff.

Golden, CO(Zone 5b)

There are several along there. I live just west of there, 44th and Indiana, so I go by (buy?) them all the time!

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Hee hee, Terre!

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