Handy women?

Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Any women out there who've torn down a building? I have a dilapidated porch that needs to come down, I just recieved an estimate from a demolition team........$1500.00 ------ Ouch! that hurt. I'm wondering if I can do it myself? Crow bar in hand.
This porch is moldy,wet (or used to be wet....rain seems to be nil in Iowa this winter/spring). I'm guessing I would start on the outside and hope and pray nothing falls on me. I do have homeowners insurance if something would happen to injure me. DH is unable to help, I make too much money to recieve any help from the city (you have to be dirt poor, 2 people on $12,000 per year) Yet on my income and DH's disability we wont be able to come up with that kind of money any time soon.

As soon as the porch is gone I'm going to be able to have some nice 'outdoor living spaces' ----- and I have many great idea's thanks to all of you guy's who use Daves garden. AND --- I'll finally be able to paint the outside of our home.

Is it mans work? Or can a lil' lady like me handle it?Any 'handy women' idea's from you would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Jill

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