Pending legislation on herbal supplements

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

From time to time, we are sent information regarding upcoming legislation that may be of interest to our members. This copy of a "letter to the editor" was received today at our helpdesk. (The author of it is a writer for BackHome magazine, who initially contacted us about some information in PlantFiles.) After reading it, I thought it might be informative and helpful to some of the readers of this forum, so I'm passing it along.

As is customary when we provide this type of information, I ask that you take it under advisement and act on it (or ignore it) in accordance with your own beliefs. Please don't use this thread or any of our forums to initiate a debate on the issue - I'm placing the details and deadlines here for purely information purposes.

Newspapers are providing abundant commentary on prescription drugs, however, little has been written about an upcoming event that will have dramatic repercussions for those of us who purchase OTC herbal and vitamin supplements.

As of June, 2005, the WTO (World Trade Organization) and the WHO (World Health Organization) will define and control components of the U.S. supplement supply.

My understanding is that President Bush and Congress have already accepted the WTO Treaty that will dictate what supplements U.S. citizens will be allowed to obtain without prescription. Some of these items include vitamin C (above 200 mg), CoQ10, multi-vitamins (that are above the RDA amounts), zinc tablets, and over 300 currently available herbal supplements. In essence, the WTO Treaty will override U.S.citizen rights to these supplements. These treaty restrictions will go into effect in June of this year.

Currently, there are two bills in Congress in favor of these restrictions: S.722 and H.R. 3377. These support the CODEX restrictions and change our current DSHEA law of 1994 that grants protection to our access to OTC herbal and vitamin supplements. I urge citizens to contact their representatives and ask them to vote against the above listed bills.

There is, however, still hope. Citizens can SUPPORT H.R. 1146, a bill that would restore U.S. constitutional rights and override the WTO and CODEX restrictions that deny access to herbal and vitamin supplements.

For further information on this issue go to: or

If you do not act now to stop the WTO from overriding our rights, as of June, 2005, you may go into your health food store, drugstore, or supermarket and find that the supplements and vitamins you desire are no longer available (with or without a doctor's prescription).

Submitted to The Springfield Republican, Springfield, MA by Pamela D. Jacobsen, P.O. Box 262, Feeding Hills, MA 01030-0262

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