Pharoah Ants...Help!

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

I have no idea where to post this, but I really need to know if someone has had experience with these ants. My daughter has had an invasion at her house and the exterminator said they don't have much luck getting rid of them.

I see a few occasionally, but have always called them "grease ants" because they never get on anything sweet. Apparently they feed on protein. My grandaughter was visiting with her baby and they swarmed over the baby's little dirty clothes basket. UGH!

Since the exterminater didn't offer much hope of complete eradication, I hoped someone might have some "home grown" remedies

Laurel, MD(Zone 7a)

I have a bug guy come every month and when I was invaded with ants he told me the best thing was to go buy instant grits and sprinkle them around. The ants eat it / take it back to the nest and yep when they do eat it they "blow up". Works for me use them inside and out in the garden.

St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)

Wow we have tons of instant grits! :)

Is there any downside to this? Do the grits attract the other things?

Also, does it work on all types of ants? (Big, small, red, black, etc...)



Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Just thought I would let you know that when the exterminater came back they were all gone! Apparently they move around looking for food sources and that's why they are so hard to kill.

Thanks for the tip about the grits. A lot of people use that for fire ants, I just pour boiling water down the hole. It doesn't kill them all, but at least it keeps the ant hills from growing so big because they abandon it and start over.

I have tiny ants that come into my kitchen occasionally, it would take three of them to lift a grit. LOL

Deer Park, TX(Zone 9a)

For about 10 years I had a problem with pharoah ants. I tried everything - organic, inorganic, everything, except for the the instant grits. (I will have to try that on the fire ants that are in my lawn and garden - a lot cheaper than organge oil.) Finally I used one of the round ant baits, I think it was Super Combat and I haven't had a problem in about 15 years. At first I would have to replace the baits every six months or so, then gradually I didn't need them at all. If the ants come back and the instant grits doesn't work you might give the ant baits a try.

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks so much for the Super Combat tip. I'm passing it on to my daughter in case they decide to come back.

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