Corn Seed - Treated, Untreated

Riverview, NB(Zone 5b)

Now that I know what kind of Corn I am going to plant, do I want "Treated Seed" or "Untreated Seed"?

Also, do I soak the seeds before planting?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Treated seed, will give better germination in cold ground. Other than that there is no advantage. Again corn like every thing else needs a certain ground temp to germinate. Soaking gives short headstart to seeds planted in ground at or above that germination temp. The seeds have to first soak up moisture. It can be a disadvantage in cold ground as it encourages rotting. I personnaly don't find soaking to be useful. But then I use a mechanical planter, and I am learning patience in my old age.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

I soaked one year and have never done it since...but I live in a totally different climate than you. The ground warms up fast and stays warm for a very long time. Treated seeds aren't as important down here either because of that.Most hybrid corn is treated if you buy it at the farm store though...for some reason, the OP corn is not. Corn is planted in the ground from the last week in April through July. Farmers are already preparing their ground where it's not too wet.

I didn't like the soaked seeds because it made them hard to handle (read not used to them)

My corn planting is pretty much straightforward too...lay out rows 36" apart...drop seeds in the rows about a foot apart and cover. Nearly all germinate. I don't bother with hills or thinning...waste of time, effort and seeds down here. Most times, I get one big ear and one smaller ear off each stalk for most varieties.

Riverview, NB(Zone 5b)

Thank you.

I wish I lived in a warmer place. I could spend more time outside in the garden.

Thanks again.


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