Shredding paper using a paper shredder.

Fountain, CO(Zone 5a)

I have a Fellowes paper shredder that cuts up paper into 3/4" by 1/8" pieces. Can I use these for worm bedding or will they compact down to much. Like to know what other paper materials and other materials that you use and don't use. Plus is there a good mix ratio to use. The directions I got with my worm bins are not that great. Thanks

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

I don't know, but would be interested in the answer as well. Horseshoe recommended a book called "Worms Eat my Garbage", have you tried that? Also here are some links for you...

These could have some info on that. I am clueless and awaitinga response. I think it would be a great use for all the junk mail I get LOL


I odn't have a worm bin yet, too many other things on my plate LOL

Fountain, CO(Zone 5a)

Tamara, thanks for the response and links. I have all ready searched those links and a lot more. But, I still could not find any info about the small pieces of shredded paper.

LOL, I gave up using the "plate" to a "tray" method.

My worm's are due to arrive on the 1st of April, need to be ready for them.

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

I used to do worm composting and I also (now ) use shredded paper for compost ingredients and mulch. I think the shreds would compact much more than the torn strips I used to use in the worm bin and could smother the worms???
I got Worms Eat My Garbage with my bin and it told me everything I needed to know. I'll look for the book and post more if I can find it. In the meantime, I'd suggest trying the Organic Gardening magazine site if you haven't already. They have some good books there.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Guess I 'll ask for a tray for my birthday, maybe with a conveyor belt? LOL Sorry those links weren't any help. Horseshoe knows a lot about worms, have you asked him? Good luck getting their home ready, you must be on the edge of your seat :-)

Fountain, CO(Zone 5a)

mickgene, thanks, maybe I need to get that book too. All ready looked on Organic Gardening Magazine web site, could not find specfic's about size on shredding paper like I want to do.

Tamara, "with a conveyor belt", LOL, the tray alone is enough for me. Come on April 1st, can not wait to get them worms.

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

I couldn't find the Worms Eat My Garbage book. But I haven't given up totally.

Fountain, CO(Zone 5a)

Got my worms today, I have thermometer and stuck in the cloth bag and it was 47 degree's. Very little movement, so I spread them out on a tarp and got the heater and warmed them up. I did this for 15 minutes and boy when I turned on the light, they were trying to hide, fast little divers. Anyway's, they are in there new home with food. The temp in there now is 66.8 degree's and climbing. Got them in my office at home. I want say thanks to everyone that gave me advise and information about worms. Look forward for more education from you folks here on DG.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

I made a small order of 5,000 bed-run composting worms today. With tax and postage, $41.00. My plan is to dump them in my compost pile, which is more like a kitchen scrap pile, with the mixes from last year's flower conatiners throw in. I'm hoping they'll be happy there and multiply.

Fountain, CO(Zone 5a)

This coming May I plan to build a in the ground worm composting bin and have it so it is winter ready. I have been researching the different kinds for the outdoor's and was amazed that their are so many.

Good luck with your worms in the compost pile.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the good wishes, right back to you and your worms with those.

Fountain, CO(Zone 5a)

I found out that using a cross-cut paper shredder is a no no. The pieces are to small and will compact down to much. Got this information from "Worms Eat My Garbage" book. Great book by the way, thanks to all that recommended this book to me. Using 1/4 inch wide strips is the best which has been mentioned here on DG.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Here is a interresting little worm site

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)


Duncan, OK

I learned much more from this site and other research on the net. Don't waste your money. Go the library and check it out. I bought it and about 10 others. I did learn a little but most of it came from this site.

This message was edited Jan 16, 2006 9:27 AM

Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

TQS - Yep. Crosscut paper shreaders are a no. On the other hand, strip paper shreaders are okay to use.

The real concern with office paper is its ability to retain moisture. Most hard-core wormers I know, and Mary the Worm Lady, prior to her untimely demise, would toss in shreaded office paper (the ribbon kind) and even shreaded junk mail envelopes into a bin who's primary bedding was newspaper or leafmold.

If you can't find Worms Eat My Garbage, just go to and you'll pick up pretty much everything you need to know. Also, there are several vermicomposting-only forums. You don't need an account to post on the latter:

Fountain, CO(Zone 5a)

theinfamousj - thanks for the response and sites, I'll check them out.

Duncan, OK

You can buy books, educational tapes and other things to teach you how to compost with worms. HOWEVER, you will get more info from this forum. I have been composting for about 10 years and bought the book "Worms Eat My Garbage".. The author Mary Applehof{sp} knows what she is talking about. The book tells what works for her, not me. You can trap the red wiggler, (E. fetida) in your own backyard.

Port Orchard, WA(Zone 8a)

TQS, I have a strip shredder that I shred up the sunday paper in, I've been worm composting several years, I alternate garbage, paper shreds, in rubber maid tubs. with air holes punch in. when I harvest each year I can't tell the difference it's all compost.

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