Milky Spore.......

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7a)

...I just started using Milky Spore in my newly worked flower bed areas. I have read some stuff about it from D's G and think the info may be a bit too outdated. From what I gather it is absolutely harmless to anything from a mantid to my cat and only targets several species of the Japanese Beetle. Is this correct? I plan on putting it down on my lawn as well but the flower beds that have been already worked are my first priority. Does anyone know of a place that has good prices on the stuff? I bought a bag of granules that was $55 at the nursery.


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

sunshine/Linda. 'Tis true, "milky spore" will not harm your cat or other beneficials. Milky spore is "Bacillus popillae", one of the Bacillus varieties that only affect caterpillars.

It will actually take up to two years to go into full affect so if you have a large lawn you may want to go ahead and get it started. (Also, and the sellers of this product don't tend to tell you this, if you're in an area of vast lawns and your neighbors don't use it, you may not see the results you would like to. In other words, if they don't use it their Jap beetle adults will end up flying over to your house to have a few meals!)

By the way, how big was the bag you paid $55 for? If I find a good source I'll holler back.

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