Looking for Ruby Laser, Black Magic, Screaming Raspberry

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Ruby Laser, Black Magic, Screaming Raspberry
if you have starts from these beautiful coleus please let me know. I will send postage and extra postage as a trade or whatever you need that I can share.

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Kathy, sorry I can't help you in your search. Hope someone has them who is willing to share. I'd be interested in the Screaming Raspberry myself.

BTW...WELCOME to the Coleus Forum!


Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

Do not have them but welcome to the party.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

TARogers5, you are right....we are a party site. Ain't we fun?

shihtzumon..........are you really? I am. His name is Archibald.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

By the sounds of the names, I need them too!! LOL

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I bet your eye is really on the screamer, right?

Freedom, PA(Zone 6a)

I ordered screaming raspberry and black magic from rosy dawn gardens, due to be shipped in the first week in May. I will take cuttings if there big enough when I get them, and if there not big enough they do grow quickly so I'll have some of each to share.


Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Cathy...(~BIG grin here~) Put me down for a cutting of that Screaming Raspberry, please..


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Number 2! I want to be number 2! Put me right behind my friend Julie! :O)

I will have things to share REALLY soon! LOL

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

I'm just hoping that when my order from Singing Springs comes in that the plants come ready to take cuttings! :-D


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

OH, I hope you have at least 8 inch rooted plants ready for slicing!!!

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Badseed...I hope we *all* get those size plants so we can all share and by doing so give ourselves an insurance policy against losing the originals! LOL


Freedom, PA(Zone 6a)

Julie, please put these on our thread for sharing coleus on my list.

Screaming Raspberry 1 each for Julie, Badseed, and shihtzumon and

Bipolar by golly 1 each Julie, Badseed.

Thanks, I don't want to forget.


Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

It's done, Cathy...you're welcome.


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Ummm, it would probably be more efficient to make a new list and call it 'one of everything'. Just stick my name right under the header in big fat capitals. BADSEED We wouldn't want to forget me now, would we??? HA HA HA HA HA Thanks for thinking of me, really. :)

As soon as my little seed babies grow up and my cuttings root, I'll let you guys know what I have. Where is this thread for sharing?

Freedom, PA(Zone 6a)

We have a list going from the fall growing season on coleus addicts part 4, a couple posts down is our list. Check it out.


Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

Cathy add me one on your list. Got mine from Singing Springs already and they are nice size and big enough to take a cutting from.

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

ok kids - I started this mess - let me have some starts....oh please, please.

Yeah, I have 3 shih tzu babies - Marley (m) 7 yrs, Abby (f) 3 yrs, Ginger (f) puppy. The first 2 are black/white and ginger is white and spice.

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Does anyone think a co-op would work for us ?

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