Celosia Question - Pink Candles Celosia

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi Everyone,

Last year I grew Pink Candles Celosia from seed. It was easy to start, and it grew into fantastic specimens in my garden.

I collected seed, but I am wondering if it will reseed by itself in my zone 5 garden. Anyone know?

If it does, I don't see any reason to start any, as I had it in several locations, but if it doesn't, I'd like to get some started.

They did sell what was labled Pink Candles in a local nursery last year, but I purchased some, and it was different. It had red foliage, and a deeper colored bloosom. I think it was most likely Pink Flamingo ....... which I think get's mixed up with Pink Candles.

Here's a picture that shows both .... the red foliage in the front is what I think is Pink flamingo Celosia, and behind it is the Pink Feathers. That's Bright Lights Cosmos growing with them.

Thumbnail by Tree_Climber
Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

Tree_ Climber, it has been my experience that sometimes it self seeds -- other times not. And to make things even odder, I had a whole come up last year along a fence row, no where close to where I had it planted. Apparently, the birds helped me out by sitting on the fence and sowing some for me.

As cold as your zone is, I would consider starting some inside to plant, as celosia usually doesn't germinate until the days really heat up.

This message was edited Mar 24, 2005 3:51 PM

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

I was afraid of that ......... I have never known of any Celosia reseeding in my zone. I guess I was just hoping.

I have tons of seed for the Pink Candles and the Flamingo Feathers (called this the wrong thing above). Glad to share if anyone wants to trade.

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