Double Purple Dat

Northern California, CA

From Fall of 2004.

Thumbnail by Happenstance
Northern California, CA

And the seed pods are almost as pretty.

Thumbnail by Happenstance
Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Elegant!!! I'm sure these pictures are going to get people more interested i growing Daturas. Thanks.


Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

The seed pods remind me of the Alien eggs

Northern California, CA

Speaking of Alien eggs......these pods don't hold a candle in the danger department compared to D. tatula, which of course has been renamed, reclassified, re-homoginized, so it's not listed that way in the PlantFiles anymore. grrrrrrrrrrr Let me go find the "new" name for it..........

As an aside........I'm not agreeing with the "new" choice of name, just showing what it is now.
Datura stramonium

The pods are truly lethal to fingers and any other soft skin.

Thumbnail by Happenstance
Northern California, CA

And another shot of the pods.

Thumbnail by Happenstance
Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

The only Datura I grew this past summer had the same type pod, I put on rubber gloves to handle then, very lightly. Someone told me to put the end of a lady's nylon hose over it to catch the seeds. I only had the streach kind and I have these major skinny legs so I about killed myself trying to accomplish the task. I'm sure they had never seen one of these lethal seed pods..... or maybe they just didn't like me.. lol lol lol

Frederick, MD(Zone 7b)

Those spiky pods remind me of the horse chestnut pods we had on the farm I grew up on in Maine- we inevetably "found" some old husks lurking in the Fall when we raked up huge piles of the leaves to jump in , hehehe

I hope my dbl purple datura (my first datura ever) grows up to look as lovely as yours, Hap!!


Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

Happenstance, the large white one I have has the lethal seed pods. I sear if you even come close to them they find a way to stick you. And Man do they hurt. Anyone want seeds? LOL (but I do have seeds if anyone is interested.)

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I agree HAP...those seed pods are lethal. I can't tell you how many times last fall I drew blood harvesting and or dead heading them. OUCH!

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

when is it safe to plant these outside.

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