Coleus watering and soil question

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I am building a shade garden and several varieties of Coleus will be included. Can someone tell me the soil requirements, fertilizer (type and frequency) requirements and how often should I water. By neccesity the soil well be a very well drained sandy loam as I will be planting some rare shade loving cycads. Any information will be helpful as this will be my first time growing these colorful plants.
George in San Antonio
8-b winters and 9-a summers.

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

George, welcome to our new forum!
I can't help you much with growing the coleus in the ground. This will be my first season for doing that, too. I've grown mine in containers and have used plain potting soil with a little extra peat moss mixed in.

As for fertilizer, the growers notes I've read tell us that Coleus don't like to be over fertilized...they say that the plants will lose their color. :-O I didn't know that! LOL My plants did quite well with a little Miracle grow applied when I remembered to do it.

I'll be watching this thread to see what other hints and help you get on your question.


Cape Cod, MA(Zone 7a)

We plant them in beds at work with 6 month time release Osmocote. They seem to like the rich soil in the beds.
Can they stay in the ground all year for you? I don't know how hardy they are. If so, you may have to fertize differently. I think they like it as long as you don't overdo it.

Freedom, PA(Zone 6a)

I planted coleus in my brug pots last year and fertilized them twice a week, the coleus grew like crazy and were beautiful, no color fade. I already fertilized my cuttings several times this spring and they are doing great.


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Hi Jester and Welcome..

I think that Coleus are for the rocking chair gardener and/or the fanatic. They will take just about anything. Even when they droop from lack of water, a few drops will perk them right up. Mine have always been pretty tough kids.

Thanks for joining us and Stay Tuned...............

Nancy Lee

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I agree with Cathy. Mine in the pots with the brugs looked great. The ones in the ground that got no fertilizer did just as well. I don't think they are a problem to grow, no matter where.

Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

A very well draining soil is great. Just be careful, because these plants can consume enormous amounts of water once they grow, and if they are allowed to dry out just slightly, they will loose their leaves. Good layer of mulch and regular watering is required. But they can not stand very wet/saturated soil, so good drainage, a good mulch and frequent watering is required.

If they tend to get leggy in shade, you can pinch them back repeatedly. They respond very well to this and become much nicer plants.

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Brugie and Cathy...I'm really glad you two showed up and told us your experience with fertilizer on coleus. I've been feeding all my seedlings with PHC (Plant Health Care) from Gardeners Supply...and they seem to be loving it. I was afraid that maybe the growers would be right and that I'd turn my plants into 'mush' but so far, so good.


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