If you build it...

Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

Well, I guess it's true, "If you build it, they will come!" (can't remember who, but from The Field of Dreams Movie). But here's a few pics of mine last summer. - Richard T

Thumbnail by richteaz
Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Go Richard, go! Love your photos!

(Zone 7a)

Love that Movie! and Love that Flower! :-D

Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

Sorry about the delay, the Fed-Ex man just brought my meds for the month, Thank the Man Above!!!

Thumbnail by richteaz
Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

Datura Metel

Thumbnail by richteaz
Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

This was so incredibly Thick and Firm everyone thought it artificial.

Thumbnail by richteaz
Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

The "Alien" seed pod of the same plant.

Thumbnail by richteaz
Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

And one final pic of the white one. I really liked the lighting on this one.

Thumbnail by richteaz
Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

Ooops, I meant to send this one. Close to the last but a better pic, I think.

Thumbnail by richteaz
Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Great Pictures!!!!


Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

Just a few of my "babies" from seed this year. The difference in size is strickly from the differences in the amount of time the seeds took to germinate. These are all the white. I started the purple later and am still waiting on them.

Thumbnail by richteaz
Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Richard, what is the name of the purple? If I don't have it I would love a few.


Mason, MI(Zone 5b)

rich, your babies look nice and healthy. All of the flowers look so nice. Thinking spring now. LOL thanks

Frederick, MD(Zone 7b)

What lovely pictures!! Those seedlings look incredibly healthy- hope mine turn out as well! I have the dbl purple variety and they just germinated, not even 2nd leaves yet so I'll wait on posting pix of my "babies" till there's something to really crow about!

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Beautiful Richard! Thanks for posting those. :-)

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

2 Double Whites - now I have to run and plant some Metel! Lordy, if they are half as beautiful as the one pictured, I'll have palpitations!!!

Thumbnail by Sequee
Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Sequee - lol lol


(Zone 7a)

Richard, I wanted to send you a pictue of the datura that got me hooked! Could find one except on this thread http://davesgarden.com/forums/fp.php?pid=1154350
A friend gave me a seedling last year. I was never into annuals and really had no desire to grow one. But this baby had 20 flowers on it one day when I went outside and after that...I was on a Datura seed hunting mission!!! ha ha ha LOL. I hope you get a pink out of the seeds I'm sending you. There were a few left...So I put one in each bag. Also some dwarf, purple, and others. I have a very very deep yellow (supposedly) I'll share if you like?

N.C. Mts., NC(Zone 6b)

Wow Kim, that pink is beautiful. If you get lots of seeds from that one, I would love to have a few.

Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

I'm really glad you're all enjoying the pics. The first one I posted here I thought was this one. Again they're very similar but again I think this one is better. And I love the morning dew drops on this one along with the lighting. Oh how Mother Nature can reward us for what some think is work.

Kim, I've never seen one as double and pink as the one in the link. I can see where you'd become addicted with this one. And to think it only took a single to get me, LOL

Sequee, would you happen to have a defibulator on hand? Because by your photo you're going to have some real beauties in your yard this year.

To ALL...I have seeds from the White one available. Anyone interested? SASE with postage and you have some. Address is in the Exchange.

This message was edited Mar 24, 2005 3:58 AM

Thumbnail by richteaz
Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

For those that don't know this, I moved in Jan. so any photos you see from me were taken in my gardens in Madison. My new place, pictured below, is a blank canvas, so I have almost nothing to trade.

I live in the Large White Building that is known as the Exchange House. It was built in 1838 (10 years older than Wisconsin itself) and was a General Store, Saloon, Hotel, and Stage Coach Stop in it's early days. It has a nice large side and back yard not really in the photo though (I actually found this photo on the Web when I did a search prior to moving here).

I have so many plans for my new place, I only hope my body holds together so I can achieve what I want to do. I have a thread started in the Photo Forum (The Exchange House) in which I'll be posting photos of the work I do and any achievements I make along the way. But as I said, I have seeds of the White Datura, and I may have some of the Dbl/Triple Purple (the one pictured) as well if anyone is interested.

Thumbnail by richteaz
Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Awesome - truly! I can't wait to see that front porch loaded down with plants - LOL!

LMK if you need any seeds and I'll be happy to send you a list!

Frederick, MD(Zone 7b)

Indeed, Richard, that porch just beckons to have hanging plants all over it!! Have fun with it and PLEASE post pictures as that porch fills out! I'll check out your photos on the Photo forum as well.


Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

BTW - My neighbor is a Cardiac Care nurse, so I'll have her on stand-by!!!

After seeing your wonderful photos last night I went and planted Double-Triple Yellows and Purples and Black Current Swirl - 6 each. Now I'm running around doing the germination dance! I was also delighted to see that my b. sanguinea had sprouted! (See...the dance really works!)

Thumbnail by Sequee
(Zone 7a)

Rich, You know the pitiful part? The picture in the link...I gave away every single seed and didn't save one for me :-/

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Wow, can't wait to start my daturas! Got lots of seeds from members here last year. I plan to grow them with my pumpkins as a companion plant. I will be watching everyone in this forum to learn. Thanks Dave for starting it, and thanks judycooksey for inviting me over!

Joseph, OR(Zone 5a)

Hey Ritchie,
Its me, the guy with the Bird Of Paradise plants. Instead of doing postage for those, maybe we could trade for some of your datura? I got one seed to germinate, that's it!

Lemma know k,

Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

Rich I really liked the purple one that looks like some one took a knife to. LOL
Now I have another want to pursue.

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