addicted to daves garden

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I have not done anything today got out of bed at 9 and have watched daves garden my wifes going to be mad when she comes home from work cause i'll still be hear helppppppppp

Worden, IL(Zone 6a)

There's no just have to accept it. Happens to all of us here. Tell your wife you learned a new plant name. LOL Then at least you can say it was educational. You know the saying no one can learn too much and no time was ever wasted on learning. Otherwise you better do some dishes or something :)

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I hope this site does'nt affect my gardening this spring. I need to be outside doing. not inside watching

Goshen, OH(Zone 6a)

Jerry LOL, I have only been on DG since February and I can tell you, my hubby doesn't get much computer time anymore, I can't wait for that first cup of coffee and turning the puter on to DG, I go to the GH and water my plants and right back in I come to see what is happening here. I wonder if there is a therapist to cure this addiction.


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I've been on this thing from 9 this morning I have to do somthing else but when i walk away i begin to think i'm missing something. maby it's the cincinnati weather cold and raining

Goshen, OH(Zone 6a)

Jerry, I agree that it is the Cincinnati weather so discouraging, so anxious to start some yard work and the GH is growing so slowly because of lack of sun.

We need to go out and do a sun dance to the gods or something LOl


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

If your wife is REALLY angry, you don't know me, never heard my name and I sure didn't coax you into spending more time with us people here. LOL

It IS the weather. I actually did laundry, cleaning, etc. Ewww and ICK! Thank goodness, I got two huge boxes full of plants from a lovely DGer in FL! That meant I had to stop my domestic goddess chores and pot up plants and cuttings. LOL

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Guess what I just got out of bed started the coffee and know i'm here oh knowwwwwwww

Goshen, OH(Zone 6a)

Jerry, had my coffee and told my hubby i was going to the computer, he shook his in bewilderment and disgust and said When can I get on it answer was while i am gone for a few hours lol. So I am here toooooooooooooo.


Goshen, OH(Zone 6a)

wow must not be awake yet i posted the same thing twice LOL

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

now that funny lol

Goshen, OH(Zone 6a)

Well we all do stupid things i just do them more then normal people do LOL.
Just came in from the GH I wonder if I walk away from it for a few days the plants will look bigger. BUT THE SUN IS SHINING for a change.


Badseed, why would his wife get angry with you just because you draw us into DG and we can't get off to even go to the bathroom, I have a 5 gallon bucket right next to my puter LOL. My hubby is for some reason not speaking to me right now can't figure out why can you?

Worden, IL(Zone 6a)

You guys are too funny....

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Its a great day in cinci with the bright sunshine I even sat on the porch and dreamed of how things will look and what i need to move in the brown ground than I came back to dgs. back to work tomorrow boo hoo

Goshen, OH(Zone 6a)

Well Jerry we figured out your addication, how about telling us a little about what your gardens have in them and what you would like to grow in them if you are dreaming today.


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

right now i'd like to have something thats covered in blooms. I'm interested in getting flowering tobacco this year to hide the smell of a dumpter next door. I'm a daylily fan I have mallow witch looks like dinnerplate hibiscus and my new favorite plant is delhias and i've ordered 6 dinnerplates that i will add to the mallow to make a giant flower bed the poker plant i got last year has gone well and a half dozen asian lilly's

Thumbnail by jerryhildebrand
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

this is a mallow plant

Thumbnail by jerryhildebrand
Goshen, OH(Zone 6a)

wow can that Mallow get any bigger it is wonderful. And I can tell you are sitting on the puter because you answer back so quickly are you fingers sore from all the typing LOL


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

as sad as this sounds i can't wait to go back to work tomorrow I've been home with my sick child and i really can't do anything but take care of her and dream of warm weather tomorrow my wife will be home with her

Goshen, OH(Zone 6a)

Hope you don't have DG on your computer at work you will get nothing done LOL.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Well I declare! I had nothing to do with you getting here either JoAnn. hehehehehe That's what we tell your hubby anyway. :)

Gorgeous pics Jerry!

Covington, LA(Zone 9b)

just setup wireless internet and a old laptop you only need to get and internet broweser open. and go set in the garden :)

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Join the club. My DH & DD just shake their heads at Jerry that is one huge mallow flower! I've never seen them that big
:) Donna

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

yes they have been in the ground at work for years in the back so no one noticed them so i've been slowly moving them to the front of our building now everyone wants one but me first there's a pink one i'm splitting this year im bringing home plus giant dahlias in my front yard . my wife and i enjoy sitting on the porch watching the neighbors rubberneck the yard

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Jerry don't they also start from seeds? The giant dahlias are these the ones that grow 6 ft tall?
:) Donna

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I've alway's bought or traded tubers I've never tried from seeds. in zone 6 they don't winter over so I have to dig them up every year

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Jerry I was asking about the mallow from seeds? Is your giant dahlia the 6 ft one?
:) Donna

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

yes they do have seeds the mallows but last year was my first year of growing them my neighbor has a pink one that he has grown from seeds I 've been splitting the roots for mine . the giant dehlias do get very tall but the flowers are so large there called dinner plates

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

:) Donna

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