I gotta interview again!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello! The College where I am a distance learning tutor has advertised for a couple of teachers again. One was for a basic computer skills class, the other for teaching digital imaging using Photoshop. Well, I thought my chances might be better if I applied for one rather than both, and I had said at my previous interview that I was keen on photography (and it is on the CV that I submitted originally). So I put in for the digital imaging post.

I didn't think I'd hear any more about it - I reckoned they had put me down as scrap-heap material. A month or so nearly had passed, "That's that" I thought to myself. Anyway, when I got home tonight there was a letter from the college waiting for me. Yes, I've got an interview for the digital imaging post!!!!!

You can cross everything for me - but wait 4 weeks before you begin (otherwise you will get mighty uncomfortable) as I have to wait 4 weeks for the interview.

4 weeks. Still, that gives me time to play with my software again.

I have my eye on a new camera. Just released. The Canon EOS 350D. Do I? Do I?

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Congratulations and Good Luck!

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