Spring has arrived!!!!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I got several white with pale yellow breads , my MTB's and one purple Iris a TTB that are blooming their silly heads off. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH spring is offically here! My son went and planted a few up in part of the woods and while I din't really think they was gonna make it or do anything his little transplants are a blooming too!

I found a couple of rhizomes of the MTB old white ones my son must have been gonna plant and then forgot about hidden along side one of the benches just in a tray on the ground. Here the poor dears spent the winter all exposed but are blooming anyways.

Ain't it great seeing them first Iris open up and announcing to the world that the new season is begining. Such a rush!

Forgive my enthusiasum, I think I got Irisitis today!!!! : )

Anybody else got the first of spring blooms going in their yard????????

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)


What fun. I've got a few on their way up. It's pouring here so I hope that they wait a day or two to open. "Las Vegas" and "Aaron's Rod" have buds - and so does "Harvest of Memories" but it always does. Everything is getting bigger. The most extravagant thing here right now are the azaleas and camellias. I always have "irisitis".

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

No blooms, yet, but they are growing fast... we rained all day today... :)

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

So, torture me with pictures???

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ahhhhhhh ,,,, I wish I could Wanda! I snagged a tiny digital from off the LA Auction, and am still tryign to figure out how to use it. But even when I have totally figured it out. I stil got a problem cuz I have an old puter held together by prayers and I don't have the part ya need to download the camera.

I got some bad pics that are of last year of what they look like, but they not the greatest and don't do the Iris blooming justice, but will try and download a couple on to here.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Can ya tell I not a photo person? I keep tryign though and maybe one day I will get the hang of it. I love my yellow. You can see it all the way down the drive, it either double or triple socketed , triple if i remember right.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Klamath Falls, OR(Zone 6a)

;=( Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. We still have a wait before ours will bloom. I did have a couple of tiny little dwarfs that bloomed a couple of weeks ago, but the big ones just won't cooperate. I envy you folks.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

My purple doesn't quite look like the pic. My pruple reminds me of velvet when I look at it. Makes ya wanna reach out and stroke it. I picked up a couple of new ones last fall and and Iris fairy sent me some Iris, so hopefully I will get too see a few more colors and/ or patterns in my yard this year or maybe next year since they just went in during the fall.

I am amazed that I have Iris blooming this year. Last year was the first I had Iris to bloom after waiting years for em to do so and I figured they would have used all their enery up but Mother Nature, bless her little heart is lettign me have some blooms to enjoy this year. : )

Mine are all oldies but they are special anyways. : )

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

These are my wild Iris blooming. I call them my tippy toe Iris though. I had one small patch years ago and while I have watched and watched I have never seen any of them make a pod, I have them now scattered here there and yonder all over two acre.

They called the tippy toe iris because I believe the iris decided to set out for greener pastures since the front hill was getting kinda crowded. I swear I went to sleep one night and the Iris took it's leaves reached down, pulled itself out by the roots and tippy toed all across the yard til it found spots it liked.

Now I have too tippy toe around because I have tons of leaves all over that I leave for natural mulch for them and I have to watch where I put my feet so I don't step on them. :)

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Philadelphia, PA

Your irises look great starlight. We're still waiting up here for spring to arrive. Had some snow falling this morning.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks Mitt!!!!! Brrrrrrrrrrrrr, but maybe ya won't have it too much longer. I know we got another cold snap coming, I just hope mine all bloom before it does.

While ya all up North envy the South, I envy those that have warm weather year round. Nice thing is ya get see pics from warm climates first and as Spring hits the different parts ya get to see Spring all over again. : ) It's nice and in a way kinda extends the season a bit.

I went out today and picked me a bouqet of the purple and white and brought em in so I could enjoy them while I cramming for a test in the morning. I gonna wrap one in a piece of wet paper towel and put a baggy round it and carry me one to school tomorrow. Gonna enjoy these babies all I can!

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