Best Lil' Tomatoes Grown in Texas

Kirbyville, TX(Zone 8b)

How about some input from those that have grown tomatoes in Texas...we need the best varieties (from experience) grown by Texas gardeners......a Texas tomato list ....perhaps even a description of the tomato you suggest~ This will be helpful for those that live in the many different areas of Texas too..........anyone have a 'mater to add to the Texas Tomato list?? Debra~

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

I like the 'Sweet 100' a lot! It is very sweet, keeps producing through the summer, provides a snack while working in the garden without dripping juice all over me! 'Merced,' a medium sized mater, that does well in our summers and, 'Early Girl' for double cropping.


Angleton, TX(Zone 9a)

I love the Sweet 100's and always grow them for my grandchildren.

Taylor, TX(Zone 8b)

Are Sweet 100's an heirloom? If so, I'll try those this fall.
I like Garden Peach and Yellow Pear.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I like Pink Ping Pong. It's an oversized heirloom cherry type. Rosy color - never turns red. I take a few cuttings in late fall before first freeze and grow them indoors over winter. Don't get many fruits that way, but even one every other week or so tastes good.

Kirbyville, TX(Zone 8b)

I acquired some seeds a few years ago for the sweetest little yellow pear type tomato, ...I have no idea what their name was, but they were the best! They grew in clusters of little yellow tomatoes that I popped in my mouth everytime I walked thru the garden...I called them my M&M tomatoes(cuz I could just pop them in my mouth), to this day wish I knew the name of them...anyone have any idea, or am I looking for a needle in a haystack?? Debra~

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Another vote for Sweet 100. Easy, tasty, and good Summer pickin'!

Kirbyville, TX(Zone 8b)

Can you find the Sweet 100 as seedlings?? I'd like to find a tomato that does well here in the Texas heat that I can go to Lowe's or Wallyworld to buy a few seedlings?? I'm making a list of the above mentioned, and hope to easily find the plants....thanks!! Debra~

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

It should be easy to find Sweet 100 starts just about anywhere. If not, keep in mind our long growing season. Start some seeds. :-)


Kirbyville, TX(Zone 8b)

John I usually start a ton of plants from seed...right now I have 3 different peppers, pear tomatoes, eggplant, paw paw, taccas, numerous palms, and other seeds I'm forgetting. I'm a nut when it comes to starting plants from more room in the greenhouse for flats of seeds...LOL! Debra~

Back of Beyond, TX(Zone 8b)

I love the Sweet 1000 but have only found them via seed.

Sweet 100 is a kissin cousin and is good also, and readily avalable as plants.

i jsut saw some yesterday at Home depot. They should be everywhere. I just have not figgered out why the thousaqnds are harder to find than the 100.

I personally prefer the cheeries that are of a size to pop a whole one in your mouth at once without having to bite it into pieces. and these do the trick. They are hot heirloom however, they are about 15 - 20 years old, I think.

Also saw Mr stripery at Home Depot yeaterday, and those are heirloom.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

I'm trying Uglyripe and Black Pear...has anyone had luck with these? *fingers crossed* I hope my Uglies turn out because they are the best I've ever had. I'm counting on dumb luck to see me through this. *G*

houston, TX(Zone 9a)

My #1 favorite: Celebrity. Disease resistant, great tasting, big crop every year. I will post some pictures when they start turning red.

Anyone ever heard of Health Kick tomatoes? I planted some and they are doing nicely. Supposedly have more lypocene(?) the good stuff that tomatoes have. I will let y'all know if they are good when they ripen.

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