Lily Lovers.... Part 3

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Bring 'em on!

Johnston, IA(Zone 5a)

How 'bout we start out with 'Northern Beauty' ?

Thumbnail by Iowaron
Johnston, IA(Zone 5a)

and here's our 'Leslie Woodriff'. It stood over 7 feet tall and had 56 flowers last year. It never needs to be staked.

Thumbnail by Iowaron
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

That is just something else! How long did those blooms last from beginning to end?

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Ooo a seven foot lily that is my kind of lily ,
bring on the pic. iam drooling .

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Wow, that is really beautiful, IowaRon.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Alice, Sweet Kiss is one gorgeous lily!

Looked at the Wisc. sale [bulb wrap is Sat. at which I will be working] but no Sweet Kiss.

Will have to look at Minn. lily sale.

Only buying 2, my goodness, but you are one GOOD lady. I think my total for the spring as of now is 200 or close to it?
Must start looking into a part time job for this retired lady if I am going to be able to feed this affliction.


Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

Maxine, I do not even want to think in terms of total amounts spent... lol ...

Ron, those are beautiful. Northern Beauty and Leslie Woodriff are going on my wish list....

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Maxine, Wisconsin sale ('-'?)

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Yes, its held this yr. on Sat. April 2nd, 9 to 5 at the Eau Claire Senior center.
Located on the NW corner of Madison and Bellinger streets, Eau Claire.

This is the WRLS spring lily bulb sale.


(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

I can see my collection is not yet complete! Lovely pictures of lovely lilies Ron.

Johnston, IA(Zone 5a)

Hi Moby,
I did some checking, and it looks like 'Leslie Woodriff' was blooming here on July 8, 2004

Thumbnail by Iowaron
Johnston, IA(Zone 5a)

and still going strong here on August 3, 2004. (I'll have to keep better records in 2005 :-)

Thumbnail by Iowaron
Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Oh wow, those are beautiful lilies!!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

That's still pretty decent documentation, Ron. Must have been about 5 - 6 weeks of those beauties. Lucky fella! How long have you had that bulb in the ground?

Johnston, IA(Zone 5a)

2004 was it's 4th year. One thing about our 'Leslie Woodriff', although it's been in the ground for four years, it's never divided or put up more than just the one stem. A fine stem it is, but t'would be nice to see some babies around the bottom, now wouldn't it?

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Oh, yes!

Same with my big Stargazer (5' +, 14 blooms) It's been 8 years or so and haven't had any babies.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Moby--are you still having babies? My, my. I gave that up for Lent. (Not!)

Great pics as always Ron. My hubby is making me run off to San Antonio on April 9 & I will miss your digital pic lecture at the Lily Society meeting. What a pit. If I come up before then, maybe Peggy will let you give me a private lesson? New fangled camera & I'm all thumbs...

Johnston, IA(Zone 5a)

Of course I'd be happy to share what I've learned about digital photograpy with you Wanda, we'll miss you at the meeting though. You've got e-mail.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Ron, you need to drag me into the 21 st century. I play with my digital, but it's time to get serious. I see a time when my beloved 35 mm won't be able to find film.

I stole Lilyfan's idea & poured 10 bags of dirt in a quiet corner of the yard for my bulb nursery. They're all quicky safe in the ground now. And I spent the late afternoon completing my annual tree trimming. YES! Out of the way and on to more fun pursuits in my flowerbeds.

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

EEEEEKKK.......I'm still catching up on my reading and here I discover not 1, not 2 but 3 threads of beautiful lilies!!!!! Whoa is me.

It breaks my heart to see all these because so many of them were ones I planted last fall at my old house. I just don't dare dig them up without seeing a shoot above ground to know exactly where the bulb is. *sobbing here*

Debi - THANK YOU THANK YOU for that lovely Tinos shot on the other thread. I did see my Tinos were up at the old house yesterday so I plan to get those for sure.

Sue - that Dress Rehearsal is beautiful too. (one of those I planted last fall) :-(

Ron & Ginny - the Red Velvet is to die for and not one I've had before. On the shopping list now for sure.

Here's a nice clump of Chianti which I divided last fall and sent to a couple of DGers.

Thumbnail by langbr
Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Here is Loreto... spring planted and first bloom from 2004.

Thumbnail by langbr
Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

My unknown peach tiger

Thumbnail by langbr
Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Casablanca (again spring planted) with pollen dusted all over it's petals. Great bud development for a sping planted bulb though I thought.

Thumbnail by langbr
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

You know, Brenda, several of us have to cruise through KC on our way to the RU. How about if we leave a couple hours early and have a digging party at the old house? :)

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Now THAT sounds like a GREAT idea!!! Hmmmm....wonder if I could get DH to delay selling the house until June....... But then again, if we go at night it wouldn't matter if the house had new owners, would it? As long as they don't have a vicious guard dog in the backyard we'd be ok. I've even got a map of where to dig and by then they'd be up for sure. snicker-snicker

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

OK, bringing shovels, head-lamp and doggie treats...


Thumbnail by Moby
Moerkerke_Damme, Belgium(Zone 7b)

Wow Mary, i could use such a lamp LOL
But you look much to dangerous to be left alone in my garden like this.

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

ROFL!!!! I'd say you are definitely ready!

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

i am getting a BIG dog !
She is way to ready ,moby on a mission is the,
"unsinkable Moby O'Connor "

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

LOL! The Great White Moby?

That headlamp has settings for bright white, light blue and red for stealth hunting....

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Need advice here

I bought 2 items from eBay over a month ago

I have written to the seller thtough eBay and never recieved an answer.

not much money but still ? ? ?

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Hmmmm.....Did you try the hotmail address they listed at the bottom "if you haven't heard back from us in 4 days". They sure make a big point about responding to email quickly and then offer excuses why they might not get your email. Have you also tried to reach them through the eBay auction win links again?

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Tried the 'ask seller a question' links 3 diff times.

I did not see the addies at the bottom . Thanks.

I really need to stop my midnight shopping . I have no will power when I'm half asleep.

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

I second that!! I've started just creating a bookmarks folder for each place I'm browsing and then copying the pages of the ones I *want* to buy. THen later in the week I go back and look at them when I'm clear headed and can decide if I really want them all or not. Been working for me - you might give it a try.

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

The hotmail addie bounced !

ADDED ..........

I wrote the other "winner" and asked them.

I will take it up with Ebay now.

Thanks for all your help.

This message was edited Mar 24, 2005 9:38 PM

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Not good!

Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

Scoot just sent you an email but I have tigrida bulbs that I will be glad to send you! Wrote you before I looked at the second auction. Just let me know if you want them.

This is one I just purchased from Ebay from a seller who has always been great in my humble opinion!

Thumbnail by aknapp
Mirpur (A.K), Pakistan(Zone 9b)

Beautiful flowers and very big lilies plants.......?

Excelsior, MN(Zone 4a)

Moby: LOL Loved the picture!!!!!! But, don't Guerrila Warrior Plant Freedom Fighters need camaflodge (sp?) paint on their faces or something?


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