vines for shade?

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

I know this is probably unlikely, but are there any vines that will grow in shade? Doesn't necessarily have to bloom. Not ivy, trumpet vine (have it), vinca (have some trained as a vine) or clematis. Anything other than that? If you have an idea, let me know please!!!



Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i know air potatoes grow in shade

my dutchmans pipe grew in shade

some honeysuckles like shade

climbing hydranga

bittersweet some of them anyway

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks! Looked up dutchman's pipe and it is pretty! I forgot about climbing hydrangea. Thanks for the info.


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)


Oakland, CA(Zone 9b)

White-flowering potato vine (Solanum jasminoides) will flower even with hardly any sun at all, and is pretty drought-tolerant to boot.

Hades, SC(Zone 8b)

I'm looking for vines that will grow in shade, too, Jamie. HOT shade. LOL

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

most listed grow fo me in HOT shade. i am here in the south with you alteredstate. so i have to have things that will . Vinca is on the invasive list here so be careful about that.

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

I know- I keep my vinca contained! :)

I am asking for myself AND for a friend in west Texas. So drought-tolerant is important for her especially. Actually, it has to be able to stand up to hot drying WIND too. Even in shade it's like someone turned a hair dryer on your plants. I'm from that part of the state originally so I know first hand. Glad to be in a somewhat more humid, less windy, though just as hot part of Texas now. Ha! I will check out that potato vine. Thanks!

My Holboellia coriacea(China Blue Vine) does very well in shade.

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks GGK I'll check it out!

Your welcome TXgarden. I forgot to mention it's also evergreen here in zone8a.

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Cool! Gotta love anything evergreen!

Hades, SC(Zone 8b)

Boy, I'm glad Texasgarden started this thread! Great suggestions!

I bought a climbing hydrangea today, imzadi. Where can I find Dutchman's Pipe?

JKom51, I ordered white-flowering potato vine seeds today.

GardenGuyKin, I'm going to look for China Blue Vine, too.

Glad I could add some help here! I also wish I could share some of the Vine with you also. I have not been sucessful in propagation of this vine as I have posted here.
So with this new information I may have some luck and able to share someday. GGK

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

seeds i bought mine dutchmans pipe from a local gardening center. almost edan had some last year.

seeds all over ebay and a plant at times.

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

I might be wrong she might have sold them on e-bay.But rose_petalzz has dutchman's pipevine var. elegans,you could ask her about a trade.Hope she doesn't kill me of opening my big

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hey Jody, glad to see you feeling good enough to post a bit. Wouldn't kill you lady, my friend!
Hey GardenGuyKin, what is a China Blue Vine, sounds cool! Tell us about it please!
Thanks, oh, I have the dutchmans pipevine seeds, fresh from fall and winter, but no babies at this time.

Thumbnail by rose_petalzz
Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

rose petalzz,

I received a few Dutchman pipe seeds in a trade lately, can you tell me how to start them. I've had them in my soiless mixture, under lights and a heat mat and I've had no sign of them yet. How long do you think I should wait? It's been about 3 weeks so far.

Thanks, Donna

China blue vine or sausage vine has this info on daves PF
Here is a bit more info also
I bought this vine only because the vendor had one growing in full shade and it did so well. I was looking for something that could tolerate mostly shade and it has done really well only getting brief morning sun. In the three years I have had it- No blooms. I didn't buy it for that reason anyway so it has proved to do well in the shade.
I hope this helps those of you who are curious.

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Schizophragma is really pretty, especially the pink one. It looks just like a climbing hydrangea and grows under the same conditions as hydrangea, but I think it gets taller. Mine is planted under a black walnut tree and has climbed at least 20 feet up the tree. I also have a small new one that's happily growing under a fir tree.

Safety Harbor, FL(Zone 9b)

A vine that will tolerate a black walnut tree? Wow! Need to let my Mom in Minnesota know about that one. Thanks :)

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Soozer, that same tree has other things climbing it too: two potato vines, one white and one blue, a wisteria, and a white rambling rose. It's a BIG tree. Sorry, I don't know the name of the rose. It came with the house when I bought it 20 years ago. I planted the other things myself and the tree has not had a bad effect on them.

Safety Harbor, FL(Zone 9b)

Zuzu -- Seems I read forsythia (vine?) would also grow underneath a black walnut without ill effect. Just checked forsythia in PlantFiles but couldn't tell which one might be the one!

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

That I don't know, Soozer, because my forsythia (bushes) are in other corners of the garden. I don't think there's a forsythia vine, but who knows? I haven't really had trouble growing anything under the black walnut. I read somewhere that pear trees won't grow under one, but there's been a pear tree under mine for as long as I've lived here and it's producing pears like mad. Some of the things I have growing under my tree are azaleas, rhododendron, hellebores, corydalis, primrose, polemonium, Siberian iris, Pacific Coast hybrid iris, Japanese anemone, brunnera, campanula, fuschias, aquilegia. hyacinth, omphalodes, astilbe, thalictrum, weigela, hosta, viola, and lots of other things. I told you it was a BIG tree.

Safety Harbor, FL(Zone 9b)


Hades, SC(Zone 8b)

Thanks for the information on Dutchman's Pipe seeds and China Blue Vine, imzadi and GardenGuyKin!

Hi, Thought I would share that my China Blue vine is setting blooms. I will follow up when the blooms open. So it does bloom after all....LOL

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Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I notice you are in zone 8 and information says that this vine is only hardy to zone 9. Do you winter it in a greenhouse or does it survive outside for you?

Hi Terrie, It's kept outdoors and survives just fine. We had a mild winter here this year. Last year was another story temps at and below freezing for about 5 days and it survived that. I just saw a local gardening program and the persons garden lost some of her hardy plants. The china blue vine survived and was filled with blooms. It remains evergreen but this time of year it's loosing some of last years leaves. Kin

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow! Gonna seriously look into this vine. Will you please post pictures as soon as it is blooming?

surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

I had a few dutchman's pipe vines when I lived in south florida.I bought them from butterfly gardens.I knew that they are the host plant to one of the caterpillers(can't remember which one) down in south florida but to my surprise after a while of watching the caterpillers do their thing,eating,I had no more dutchman's pipe vines but I had loads of beautiful butterflies.When I mentioned this to the guys at butterfly gardens they siad that the trick was to have alot of plants so that the caterpillers couldn't eat them all.

Terrie, I will post a pic. when it blooms. Most likely in the next couple of days.

Greenwell Springs, LA(Zone 8b)

may i suggest Manettia luteorubra? 'firecracker vine'

i'm in love with this vine....its so well behaved and beautiful...quite exotic actually. (i've heard rumors its an ipomoea)

Thumbnail by twenty2libras

Well here are the blooms. It has remained this way for the past 4 days so I thought I will post a pic. Each blossom is about the size of a pencil eraser.

Thumbnail by
So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

twenty2libras, that it! I'm on a mission as soon as I sen this. Thanks! I had started another thread and was referred back to this one.

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7a)

Virginia Creeper will grow in the shade in West Texas. No blooms, but beautiful leaves that turn in the Fall. Withstands hot wind and drouth. However, is very invasive and has to be watched. It does take over EVERYTHING if you let it.

Denver, CO

Twenty2Libras, (If you're still watching this...) Your Manettia is (was) in the shade, then? How deep of shade, and is it in-ground?

KatyMac, a Mannetia is available rather cheao from a GREAT plant source; Select Seeds.

GardenguyKin, I can't do cuttings of Holboellia, either! It would be great trade material. Did your air-layer work? About it's hardiness (You are going ot love This) I have a small plant outdoors and it is still alive! -under leaves to prevent winterburn dessication.

Hi Kenton,
I have had no luck what soever! I'm gonna give it a try again this spring. Thanks for asking though. Say thats great you have a hardy survivor there!! Hope you see a lot of growth this spring.

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

JamesCO, thank you! I just placed an order. I don't know what they'll think of it 'cause it wouldn't let me order online so I FAXed the thing. I'd phoned them for help and Emailed their webmaster then just thought the he** with it! They say hardy to zone 10 but if twenty2libras can grow it in CO I should be able to.

Denver, CO

Katy: Their website has had problems, I like to deal with humans, so I called my order in. They provide some excellent little plants. Twenty2Libras grew Manettia in Colorado? Holy Bovines. I've overwintered aspargus fern, Calla lilies, (perhaps bananas & palms) and other junk that certainly "should not" survive. Same with some hederas and so on.

Kin: I'll keep you informed. It is an a protected 6b microclimate. I checked it five minutes ago, and it looks good. Perhaps simple soil-level layering next year. About how fast and when did yours grow? Of course, you live in one of the scientifically-proven best horticultural climates in the world, correct?

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