Pronunciation - Peonies

Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

Do you say:


or do you say


I can never figure out how to pronunce these things.

Keene, NH(Zone 5a)

I say PEA-ohnee..any one else????(it's hard to write how you actually talk)

Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

I was brought up with PE-O-NEE, however most people I hear say PE-A-NEE.

Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

Kathy, that was excactly what I was after. I have also always said Pe-O-Nee, but then this lady on TV (Rebecca' Garden) said Pe-A-Nee which I thought sounded completely foolish untill I came to think about it and realized that maybe I am the one walking around souding foolish. (*UHH*)

Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

I don't like the pee-a-nee at all, lol.

I just looked it up and I'm wrong with my pronunciation: pe¡Po¡Pny [ pȲ ənee ] (plural pe¡Po¡Pnies)

I still like pee-o-nee better. lol

Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

Well looked further, seems like peony was piony in the old world and was pronounced pee-o-nee.. so there, I'm old worlde! :)

Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

Ok, this is interesting.. so Pee-o-nee is the old fashioned way to pronouce it (from piony) and the new way is either Pee-a-nee (I don't like this either.. sounds like slang which has made it's way in) or pe-Po-Pny (e.g. with extra P's ??) pe-po-pnies ?

I am thankfull that I really love these plants or I would surely have given up on them because of the name alone ... !!

This message was edited Mar 18, 2005 4:24 PM

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

When I lived in Wisconsin, I was told they were called Pee-a-nees. Now that I'm back in South Carolina, they're called Pee -O- nees (with an accent on the O). Here is a fun link to see the different ways people say things across the U.S. I scored 57% Dixie. What will you score?

Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Hgurule.. that is one F-U-N-N-Y test... I scored: 31% (Yankee). You are definitely a Yankee.

Most of my answered came back as North Eastern USA, Eastern seaboard, New-York/New Jersey, Great Lakes/New England, or Rhode Island. I guess that makes sence based on my location (doesn't it, YOU GUYS ???). The only one where I got a slightly more southern score was when I clicked Yard Sale (instead of Garage sale, which would have been my 2nd choice)

Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

I scored 38% Yankee, I think thats from my parents being from northern missouri. The people that live around me speak more southern. I always say YOU GUY'S but that wasn't a choice, so I took Youse.

Keene, NH(Zone 5a)

well- I scored out to definitely yankee too- too funny! bobby ward (who is incidently from Raleigh) in his book "a contemplation upon flowers" writes that there are two etymological roots to the botanical name Paeonia (or peony) the word "paean" which means hymn of praise, or "Paeon" which is from greek mythology- who was a healer to the gods. Any way you look at it, great plants, i'd say!!

Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

Indeed. The "Paeon" is how I originally knew the plants, only recently I learned that they were called peonies (or pe-a-nies.. gish !!)

Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

Fun subject, I've often been aware when I've said PEE-O-NEE, wondering if the person I was speaking to thought I was an idiot for not saying PEE-A-NEE. Now I can confidently say my O word. :)

I have a ton of these babies in pots, getting ready to put out this spring on the deck. I probably won't plant them until the fall in their permanent place. The peonies that are already in the ground are showing me their little red heads. :)

Keene, NH(Zone 5a)

yeah........there's a while to wait for the show to begin for most of us...though there were some Ca. posts with talk of buds....even flowers????? meanwhile we can just hum along....i say peeanee and you say peeonee....

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

I have always called them both.. lol I inter-change them. I say "Crick" when I dont think through saying the word Creek.. maybe it also depends on how fast I wanna talk that day. Both sound just fine to me... the only way it sounded odd (as I sat here and pronounced all the ways I could think of out loud to myself lol) was with alot of pronunciation on the O (pee-O-nee) like bologna.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

My grandmother and mother called them by the old name, pineys. I call them pee a nees and my mother in law called them pee O nees.

Guess its where you are raised as to what you call them. regardless of name, they are one beautiful plant.

Max ine

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I say pee-a-nee, but my mother insists on calling them "pineys", like Maxine said. She said her grandma always called em pineys and she likes the old-fashioned name. Sometimes, I forget that she calls them that and she can be going on and on about some peony she saw, and I have no idea what plant she's talking about. " know....piney!" she says and I finally say, "Oh! Peonies!" LOL :)

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

BTW, I scored 48% Yankee. Very interesting since I lived my first 18 years in Ohio, then the next 10 in Central Kentucky and Virginia. Seems pretty accurate (or is that perdy accurate?) LOL :)

Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

You know you are a yankee. when....

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Heck, folks .. I'd never even known, or heard of .. Peonies .. until we moved up here; but, normally, I was pronouncing the flowers, as .. PEE'-ah-neys.

And quite a few of the local folks up here, were lookin' at me rather peculiarly, fer a wee spell. Until .. they up and asked me .. if I "was a tryin' to say pee-OH'-neys?" .. And sure nuff, we all made the connection then!! .. hee ..

{bet a many of ye, didn't even try to 'type in' an alternative either! .. hee .. I fer sure did - and it took it, too!!! .. LOL .. }

I'm so proud of mah ol suuthun 'hairy-tige' .. welllll, by crackity .. I'mma gonna post mah re-sulz .. right heuh - fer all of ye to see!

How do you pronounce Aunt?
* Like the word ant
RESULT: Spoken throughout the US

How do you pronounce caramel?
RESULT: 'MY' typed answer: care'- mels

How do you pronounce creek?
* Rhymes with meek
RESULT: Common throughout the entire United States

How do you pronounce the second syllable in pajamas?
RESULT: 'MY' typed answer: pah-jamers

How do you pronounce route?
*Rhymes with clout
RESULT: Most common to the Northeast United States

Do you pronounce "cot" and "caught" the same way?
* No
RESULT: Favored from Pennsylvania to Ohio and Indiana (* but sure nuff threw me off a bit!)

How do you address a group of people?
* Y'all
RESULT: Throughout southeast United States, southern Midwest, and Texas

What kind of sale is it on the front lawn?
* Yard sale
RESULT: Throughout the U.S.; slightly more in the southeast

What's that long sandwich with lots of cold cuts and toppings?
RESULT: 'MY' typed answer: why, a dad blamed long sammich, or .. the next closest'd .. be a 'po-boy' .. but they're usually hot !!

What's the tiny lobster that crawls around in creek bottoms?
* Crawfish
RESULT: This is a universal generic term used nationwide

What do you call gym shoes?
RESULT: 'MY' typed answer: Tenny shoes

What is spread onto the tops of cakes?
* Icing
RESULT: All of southern U.S., and Midwest except Great Lakes area

What's that road along an Interstate highway?
* Service road
RESULT: Used nationwide, especially in urban areas

What do you put groceries in?
* Bag
RESULT: Used nationwide and in southern urban areas

Where might you get water in a public building?
* Water fountain
RESULT: Most common nationwide except for Great Lakes area

What is that bubbly carbonated drink called?
* Coke
RESULT: Common throughout southern U.S. and Texas

What's it called when you throw toilet paper over a house?
* Rolling
RESULT: Strongly used in deep South

What's the night before Halloween called?
* I don't use any word for this
RESULT: This is common throughout most of the U.S.

What's a drive through liquor store called?
* I haven't heard of any such thing, or none of the below
RESULT: Dont worry, this is a common response.

What's that bug that rolls into a ball when you touch it?
* Roly poly
RESULT: Most common to the southeast U.S.

Then, the thang computed my score, which was: 72% (Dixie). You are a solid Southerner!

Yeee doggies !! ... and becomin' more 'hill billy' ever day !! ...

Truly enjoyin' this lil diddy of a thread! .. And am gonna keep a watch on it fer a spell longer.
Thanks ..kdjoergensen!!

- Magpye

Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

Ahh.. yes.. "PEE'-ah-neys" was what the lady said on TV (Rebecca's Garden). Silly Me, I have always said pee'-OH-nees

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

I am 52% Dixie - Right on the Mason Dixon line. That makes sense with my deep south mom and my yankee dad!

BTW I have always said pee-ah-nee


Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

If you have always said "pee-ah-nee" I bet you are more than 52% Dixie !!! (*grin*)

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

What's the difference between a yankee and a darn yankee? Yankee goes down south and returns to the north. Darn Yankees don't go home. LOL When I lived in TX, said wasn't leaving, but gov't transferred us out of there twice! I wanted to stay a darn yankee...

I grew up in OH, met husb in Korea, got married in TX, went back to Korea, then TX, then Germany, then NY, now PA... I have lived in too many places! It has warped my senses and my dialect. I got a "34% (Yankee). You are definitely a Yankee. ~ Suzi :)

Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

HMM.. in NJ we consider those pensylvanians "dixies" !!!

I say pea-un-ee

Richmond, VA(Zone 7a)

Hot dog! I scored 78% Dixie! Yee Ha! And I say pee-a-nee or pee-a-nees. A lot of the older people I encounter here say pee-Oney.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I think it sounds strange to my ears with the strong O in the middle. But then there's the other argument over KLEM-a-tis, Cle-MAT-is, Cle-MAH-tis. Too late to argue.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I also say cle mat us. Lovely vines how ever we say it.
I think it must be a southern thang.

hanna, WY(Zone 4b)

I always said pee ah nees. but I heard a lot of people say pee OH nee. my ex mother in law always said pineys. I heard a new one the other day. A man said ma's pennies and I guess I looked at him strange and he said peonies or whatever they are called. lol. anyway I love the. Couldn't grow them in ca. Live in Wyoming now and have about 5 plants and they are starting to get buds on them now. Yvonne

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