New to the Peony: What may I expect?

Oklahoma City, OK

I have inherited a 6" pot of pink peonys from a now deceased relative, so it is important to me to see them thrive. I have some flower gardening experience, but none in this particular flower. I need advice about disease and pests, likes and dislikes, etc. The pot contains several root sections that have healthy looking short, tight buds.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

Peonies are so very easy as long as they get a couple of key things. They need a very well dug hole, lots of organic matter, great drainage and plenty of sun. Plant with the eyes 1-2 inches deep -no more or no flowers. They also need cold in winter to flower, you don't have your zone listed, but I assume you get cold winters...:)
As long as these things are provided they will grow, flower and thrive for years...some for 50+ years in the same spot! Not many pests bother them, Just make sure and cut and dispose of old foliage in fall as boytris can be a problem. Otherwise a very carefree, wonderful plant.
Enjoy your new peonies..:)

Keene, NH(Zone 5a)

I think you'll find your new charge easy and rewarding to grow.. choose a relatively sunny,but coolish spot- maybe with a little shade in the hot part of the day. dig a nice big hole- bigger than usual, cause it can live in the same spot for a lifetime- and make sure soil is good- add compost, but no high nitrogen manure, unless very thoroughly composted. some bone meal, or lower nitrogen fertlilizer is good to add. plant without putting the emerging buds any deeper under the soil than they are now. water well this summer to get it off to a good start and you'll probably have a trouble free plant for a long time.

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