Dividing question

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Now I realize that this question has probrably been asked before but here we go......

Why is it in most everything I read your "not" supposed to divide you peonies? I know they dont like to be moved and that if you do it can cause them not to bloom for one or two years. Is that it? I moved my one and only from my old rental to my house, it took it about 2 years before it bloomed well( Im not including when the dog bit off the only bud the year before).
I am going to be moving several from my sisters house and she will either take them with her or I will plant them here until she's settled and mail them to her, after taking a few pieces for myself of course, LOL.
Are there any other problems associated with moving peonies that you shouldnt do it?

Keene, NH(Zone 5a)

I think there is no crime involved- haven't seen any peony police recently--though I have read that (along with other more reasonable beliefs) there was a superstition in medieval europe that digging peonies was so risky, that it should be done at night with the aid of a hungry dog tied to the root to pull it out...a practice sure not to have had many followers.... sometimes its just necessary to move a peony, and that provides a good time divide it--peony growers must divide them to offer roots for sale...I think the general wisdom is that peonies will live and bloom happily in one spot for a long time, and no need to disturb them, which sets them back for a bit. But-if you want to move one to a better spot, or new home, or you want to make several out of one, and are willing to "start over" late fall is probably the best time when the roots are dormant. also when replanting, make sure the "eyes" are not buried deep- 2inches at most is recommended-though sometimes the roots are so gnarly that its just not a precise thing. If however there is an emergency!!like you are moving and you just have to take your peony with you- I have moved (and divided) a peony in mid summer and it sure looked sorry for a while, but sprung back the next spring! they seem very resilient. adding this after rereading your post- early spring before growth gets underway will work for moving peonies too- the sooner the better.

This message was edited Mar 18, 2005 9:15 AM

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Thank you sjms. This is a bit of an emergency, for reasons I wont say my sister has to move and the plants were the last thing to be moved out, but not the last thing thought of. Shes moving with her whole family to Arkansas and around the house and her MILs house are practicaly no flowers whatsoever, plus these plants have been in the family for years and she dosnt want to leave them behind, so they need to be dug up within the next few days.
I told her that if we cant fit them in anywhere or for whatever reason she cant take them I would bring them home and mail them to her later after shes settled in a bit.
Now for the hungry dog thing, hhmm, I think Im too much of a softy to let any of my dogs go hungry but if I do will a chihuahua work or does it need to be bigger?

Keene, NH(Zone 5a)

oh dear, the chihuahua vs a huge old peony is quite a thought! you know- just go for it, I promise the peonies will survive. You'll have enough roots for all friends and family members- plus some. You might just need a backhoe..though...

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

ugh, all I got is a new strong shovel and my big behind for power. I think I can get it done tho, LOL. She has arthitis kicking in again so she dosnt have the strength to withstand the pain right now. I really need to go get some potting soil and beg some pots off of the landscapers around here, Im about out of pots and have unexpected new plants coming all over the place right now. I knew I was gona be busy in the springtime but dag gone, LOL. Not that Im complaining mind you.

Keene, NH(Zone 5a)

peonies are sooo wonderful, though--it'll be worth it.. you might get buckets- or you know- those black plastic rectangular oil changing pans-do they have a name??? anyway, something larger than your average pot. I remember having some peonies in those large rubbermaid storage bins you can get at kmart, or wallmart one summer till i could figure out where they would go.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh yeah, you just reminded me, I have a bunch of black buckets that Sam's club uses for thier cut flowers. Everytime they get a new shipment in they throw out the old buckets wich are still in perfect condition. Ive given a bunch away but still have more and can always hit Sam's club again anytime. If you ask for them they just give them to you, otherwise they throw them out. Just need to cut a couple of holes in the bottom. They are more sturdy than alot of the pots you can buy and if black isnt for you then paint em I say. LOL

Keene, NH(Zone 5a)

sounds like you're on it!!!!!

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