My Primula containers in March

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Primula malacoides and flowering kales.

Thumbnail by Tomtom
OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Hanging basket and cube container of Primula malacoides

Thumbnail by Tomtom
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

WOW!! Those blooms are just amazing! And I like they way you hung that container on the trellis. Thanks for sharing the view!

Please add one or both of these pics to PlantFiles. I looked up P. malacoides there, and there are several nice photos, but they are all close-ups of the flowers. It would be nice to have a picture that showed the shape & beauty of the entire plant.

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Hi critterologist

Thanks for your words.
Yes, when they are in full boom,I'm sure I'll post some pics at the PlantFiles.


(Zone 7a)

Very Very Nice! Tomtom I have Chimonanthus praecox seedlings now..Thanks! I'll send you pictures soon. Your plants are gorgeous!

Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

Such brilliant color! Thanks for those pics Tomtom.

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Hi Kim,
I'm highly flattered !
Chimonanthus praecox seeds look very much like roach eggs ,don't they ? LOL
I'm happy to have variety of seedlings out of the seeds you sent me.
Looking forword to your pics.


OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Hi kathys999.
Thanks for your encouranging words.
You could make such a display using them :


Thumbnail by Tomtom
(Zone 7a)

OH WOW! Beatifulllllllll

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

gosh, you mean those plants *aren't* in full bloom??? WOW!

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

TomTom your flowering Kale is beautiful.. I planted some in Oct. but it didn't do very good. Matter of fact it died. I do have some seeds thought I would give them another try this year. Just wanted to let you know your pictures are really great.


Coopersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

you're amazing tom-tom!!!
did you grow any of these from seeds? how long have these been growing? were they pretty big when you put them in the containers?
keep the pix coming - you're such an inspiration!

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

tomtom, beautful primroses.And the way you display them if just great. Do you receive enough rain or do you have water them. The climate here is so dry that I have to be careful how much I plant in containers. On my deck the large containers have a drip line which works well but the rest of my containers I hand water. Again so nice to see your posts of flowers. DonnaS

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Kim and critterologist,thanks a lot for your encouraging words.'S always nice to hear from you.

Thank you, 2pugdogs. Too bad that your kale died. I planted them in Nov. In my climate practically all kales
survive the winter and you can enjoy them till the beginning of April. I almost always sow the seeds around July 20. Just have the another try this year . Looking foward to hearing from you good news.


Thank you, handhelpers,for taking a look at my pic. Yes I grew the Kales and primroses from the seeds.
In my climate there're practically none that can stay gorgerous during winter and early spring other than they.
Primrose start to bloom abundantly in the middle of Feb. and continue till about the beginning of April.
I planted the seedlings out of pots 9cm wide.
they're grown during the winter. Have a look at another container pics to be taken in another season.


So nice to hear from you again, rutholive.In my climate we usually have enough rain during winter and early spring. So we usually don't have to hand water ( of course hanging baskets excepted)
But when they bloom so abundantly like this , I sometimes hand water them.
It's quite a job if worth doing it to keep up the container flowers, don't you think ?

This message was edited Apr 6, 2005 10:31 AM

This message was edited Apr 7, 2005 9:18 PM

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Absolutely lovely Tomtom. Once again you've created stunning beauty. Thank you.
I can't wait to see what you have planned for your summer planters.

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