White Rose of Sharon

Linden, TN

I am searching for cuttings of a single Rose of Sharon that is white... no red eye... anyone got a few they could spare? I would be happy to pay postage or trade...I have lots of named Daylilies and some Brug cuttings to trade..


Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

You are probably looking for Hibiscus syriacus 'Diana'. Huge, single, pure white bloom, my favorite Rose of Sharon. I don't have one any more, dug it up an gave it to a friend for her birthday when she fell in love with it. I do have H. s. 'Minerva' and 'Aphrodite' if you would like cuttings of them as well. Someone will come along with a 'Diana'.


Edited to add link...


This message was edited Mar 18, 2005 7:20 AM

Oak Grove, MN(Zone 4a)

I have a white one with no red eye, but I can't remember if it is single or double. It is still totally dormant here, but you are welcome to some pieces of it if you want it. You will have to tell me how to prepare and ship it, I've never mailed plants before.

Linden, TN

I have left messages for both of you.... thank bunches

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