Mercury Retrograde

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

With mercury going retrograde on saturday for about 3 weeks, does anybody (roxroe?) know what effect, if any, that may have on seed germination? I am planning to start my tomatoes and peppers and some annual flowers when the moon is in cancer later this month. I hope it won't have any negative effect since I have to plant then anyway to get my seedlings the right size at the right time.

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

as mercury rules communication - my personal recommendations are:

don't sign or mail important papers until it is over. including your taxes, You can ponder them, prepare them, tweak them but don't SEND them. On April 12th - take them out re-read them for accuracy - then send. Mercury retrograde is a great time for things to get lost in the mail, information of all kinds to get screwed up in the communication.

Consider anything you are told with a grain of salt.....somehow .....somewhy the information is incorrect or will be changed. Certainly don't act on any information with out double checking it - that means second opinion

I generally try to stay off the phone or try to meet in person with people instead of using communication devices. That way the message won't get messed up.

Finally - don't buy a computer or have one serviced under mercury retrograde.

I haven't noticed mercury having much to do with gardening. It would be more of a venus/moon thing.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

My calendar says planting is good for Saturday. But not Sunday or Monday. Hope your seeds do well. If you read this in time (sorry I just now saw your thread), I would recommend tomatoes only on Saturday: Peppers take so long, they could end up in Leo, and that is REALLY bad. I have had the best of luck with my peppers in Sagitarrius anyhow, that is Tuesday 29th 7 PM EST till Thursday 31st 1:30 PM EST. And flowers are great in Libra: Friday 25th 6:30 AM EST till Sunday 27th (Easter) 3:30 AM EST. Unless they are vines, then Virgo: Tuesday 22nd 8:30 PM EST till Thursday 24th 7:30 PM EST.

Maybe this will help speard your work out a bit. And you can enjoy some free time Saturday...

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Thank you both roxroe and Tamarafaye! I'm going to print that out so I can actually have it with me for reference and mark it on my garden calender.
You have no idea how glad I am to find that mercury goes direct before the 15th. I dreaded sending in my taxes during retrograde.
Fortunately, my garden is small so I don't have tons of seeds to start. It's just me here and my 24 y/o son who is gone 90% of the time. Hope both of you have an enjoyable and fruitful weekend.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Roseone33~If you would like your own claendar, and the opportunity to get one next year, please consider going here. If they don't sell enough, they will close their business. Then we will all have to learn to read and ephemeris! LOL
"Help save this site!"

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Thanks, TamaraFaye, actually, darius gave me one for Christmas. Unfortunately, I was reading it incorrectly. I was imaging the lettering below the days to apply to the days below rather than above those dates. Does that make any sense?
Anyway, I'm wrong a lot, doing the best I can here. :-) I did set out some garlic and savoy cabbages today and maybe will get back out there when it cools off and get my potatoes in. If not, any day now....

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

hey send us some warm if you have any left over! It has been cold and rainy here.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

roxroe, it hit mid-70's here today. but will only be in high in the low 50's the first part of the week. Typical spring weather. The warm air we had today is heading up your way, along with more rain, I think. Rosemary

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Yes, Rosemary, sounds like something I would do LOL. Good luck with your potatoes. It is snowing again here...

Denver, CO

if anyone is looking for a good "gardening with the moon" handbook, try the one Ed Hume seeds puts out. pocket sized, informative and heck when there is no entry for the date, it's time to sit back and enjoy!

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Thanks diginthedirt, sounds interesting.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

thanks diginthedirt, I will look into that

Tallahassee, FL(Zone 8b)

At there's good information about Mercury in Retrograde. I find that to be one of the best astrological sites I've come across yet. Typically, I wouldn't expect to have garden-related problems; however, I didn't realize another retrograde period was coming up and this explains why my computer just crashed. Mercury retrogrades also affect publishing, which is what I do for a living.

I should've scheduled my vacation...

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

yes it is best to plan but not act in the area of the retrograde.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Glad we are not quite ready to make an offer on that commercial building in TN

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

ok today it is direct

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Thank God! This has been the most troublesome and frustrating Mercury retrograde I can ever recall.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

I was hoping you would let us know! :-)

Tallahassee, FL(Zone 8b)

roseone: I think that's because there was a solar eclipse in the middle of that mess.

I'm still trying to get my travel plans straightened out! LOL. (Luckily, we haven't ticketed yet.)

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Dogzilla, whatever it was, I'm glad it's passed.

Tallahassee, FL(Zone 8b)

You and me, both, my friend.

Oh, and my travel plans are all squared away. Computer is working. All is well.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Dogzilla, good, I hope you have a wonderful trip and all runs smoothly. Best! R.

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

I need to buy a computer but would not touch it until it passed.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Good idea. I waited until today to get my taxes done and send them in.
You have no idea of how many mis-communications went down in my life during the last three weeks.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Yeah, I have a few vexing things to re-do that were started in mercury retrograde!

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