Blue Shrimp Plant

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Has anyone ever grown Cerinthe major 'Pupurascens'? I saw a picture of it in The English Garden magazine and was able to get seeds on the internet. I started them in soil mix about 10 days ago but nothing so far. I am not good with starting seeds! I would appreciate any information on this plant..I know it is an annual.

Newport, NH(Zone 4b)

I hope someone replies soon; I'm going to start these in the greenhouse this weekend! It looks like a beautiful plant, I'm hoping I can get it going OK.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Yep - it's very easy to grow: (keep it well-watered, though - mine succumbed to a dry spell, and never recovered.)

Oakland, CA(Zone 9b)

Actually, it's a tender perennial; in the San Francisco Bay Area we grow it outside and it stays around in reasonably protected spots.

Oakland, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh, one thing I forgot to mention, I don't know if everyone knows this or not -- it's a plant that tends to sprawl lazily around in an untidy-looking heap. Really doesn't stand up neatly to display itself.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Please do not tell mine that. It stands almost 5'. They do get large and sprawling though. Reseed like crazy.

Thumbnail by frogsrus

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