Wanted: Purple magnolia Tree / Saucer magnolia

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I wish I knew the name of the exact plant/tree that I want, but alase I do not. I've seen one while driving to work the past two years and have decided I just have to have one. It's a large flower in the deep purple/burgundy shades. Any ideas? Google has been less than helpful....... :-(

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

The Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star' is a very common variety around here that may be your tree. There's also the Magnolia soulangiana that may be it.

Try Lazy S's Farm at http://www.lazyssfarm.com/Plants/Shrubs/young_shrubs_M-R.htm

or Forest Farm at http://www.forestfarm.com/search/alpha.asp?bytype=genus&alpha=m&x=52&y=12

for good description of the various varieties.

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Check out this Magnolia page Marc. It has just about everything you need to know about Magnolias! From your description I was thinking... 'Alexandrina', or 'Leonard Messel'.....those two are the most commonly used purple-flowering Magnolias in landscaping (at least here they are, and you and I share many wonderful wholesale growers that supply both our states.). Can you take a pic? There are people around who know more about Magnolias than me, perhaps with a pic we can figure the cultivar out. I'm betting you can find it in the descriptions on this link though.

Karen :~D


Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Thanks for the links guys! I'll do some snooping and also try and get a pic of it to post as well. :-)

Pennsauken, NJ(Zone 6b)

Rare Find Nursery has a good selection of Magnolias. I've visited their place before and they are just the nicest people. Matter of fact, I'm going back next weekend to make some selections. They have an online listing of plants which shows some 12 different species of Magnolia along with something like 26 hybrid varieties. One is listed as "Purple Prince".


Hope this helps & the best of luck to you,

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

Does it look anything like mine?

Thumbnail by rylaff
Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

YES!!! That's it! What pray tell is it's name??? Oh so lovely....I gotsta have one. :-)

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

Japanese magnolia X soulangiana "rosea"

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh thank you so much rylaff! Gonna get one ordered pronto. So pretty. You've made me very happy. :-)

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