Indoor cukes! (maybe soon!)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm trying yet another new-to-me thing this year. I started 'Cool Breeze' cucumbers in a pot in my sunny morning room! That's a "greenhouse" variety that doesn't require a pollinator, so we'll see. So far, so good..... The little vines have started budding! I will have to set up a trellis.... :-)

Thumbnail by critterologist
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Wow, cukes already! That's great, keep us posted. WIll you be keepijg them in there or putting them outside later?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Well, not *quite* cukes yet! But I can almost taste them, cool & crisp in a sandwich, maybe with a little cream cheese....

Assuming the vines don't become too unwieldy to move, I'm thinking this pot will go out on the deck with all the other ones later.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Oh, yum, don't get me started. AS my son is always saying "God, please make it summer ALL the time"!!!

Erwin, TN(Zone 7a)

Critterologist, Do you mind telling where you got your seed?, --Michael

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Those cukes look really good! I would never have thought to try growing them indoors without a greenhouse. Good work.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Michael, the seeds came from Pinetree Seeds last year. I can spare 3 or 4 seeds if you'd like enough for a hill. (I can send them with your rose geranium and your angelwing begonia, which is just starting to strike roots.)

I'm surprised they're doing this well, too! The morning room does face SSW & gets light from 3 sides, so that probably helps (no skylights, though).

Erwin, TN(Zone 7a)

That would be wonderfull, tel me what you would like in return, -- Michael

Los Altos, CA(Zone 9a)

Park Seed also sells Cool Breeze- That is where I bought them.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks for letting us know that, Doug, because I don't think Pinetree had them this year!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Update pics!

Poor cuke plants caught spider mites from my bay tree, but I've sprayed, so hopefully all will be well. But that explains the slightly yellowed lower leaves.... :-(

Here's my pot of 'Cool Breeze' cuke vines. I'm using a small tomato cage as a trellis now.

Thumbnail by critterologist
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

and here's a closeup!

Thumbnail by critterologist
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

That looks fabulous critter!

Have you tried a soft-bodied insect spray? I don't know how it works on mites. I got the recipe in the brug forum...

1 gallon water
2-3 oz H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide)
1 cup sugar

mix, put in mister, and mist!

Also coats the leaves for further protection. Hope it helps! Are you gonna send me a cuke? LOL

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the recipe! "soft-bodied insects" -- such as aphids? Even if it doesn't work on mites, if it heads off any aphid infestations this spring, that would be grand.

Too bad you're not planning to be at the Cincy RU..... I'm hoping to come, and I'd be happy to bring you a cuke! I figure if the plant survives this infestation, there might just be cukes about ready to pick in 3 weeks....

I'm just happy to have discovered that I don't have to have a greenhouse to grow indoor cukes! I'm already thinking ahead to next winter, and not having to put up with tough old waxed ones from the grocery store... :-)

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Oh, yuck I don' t even eat the ones at the store!

I had some tasteless strawberries today, and though, no wonder these were only 99 cents a pound! I don't care how big they are, I want them to have a FLAVOR please.

Can't travel that far, but don't worry, will have my own. I will have several varieites. Myfavorite tastes like candy when you pick it young. Poinsetta 69 or 72 I think. And Smart Pickle is similar.

Yes, aphids, whiteflies, anything without a hard shell! Wish it worked on packrats. I had a family move into my nursery room. The only one that cat has gotten was caught on a sticky trap. Everything is covered in garlic powder now, I am trying to starve them out of hiding! Lost a couple hundred plants before a friend suggested the garlic!

Check the date you planted and add 56 days, and then look for the nearest full moon. That is when you will have the most to pick! And they are the juiciest!

Kearny, NJ(Zone 7a)

The plant looks great critterologist. Wish I had a spot indoors where I could do that. I've grown Cool Breeze twice outdoors in the last 3 years. All the cucumbers I grow now are parthenocarpic as sometimes bees here in North Jersey don't find my plants till well into the season unless I have some blooming basil nearby. God they love basil. Be prepared to provide supports up to the ceiling as they do like to grow. Also be prepared for somewhat of a strange looking very spiney cucumber as it is actually a form of French cornichon. After peeling though they are absolutely delicious.


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