Witch Hazels.....

Kingston, NH

I put an Arnolds Promise witch hazel in a landscaped area that gets some early morning sun
and then later in the day it will get another 4-6 hours or more. I'm in a zone 6a(it can get -10 below)
every so many years here in northeast Mass/southeast New Hampshire. My question: I put
a two foot witch hazel into the ground last October, it had orange/red leaves, just a beauty. Well
sometime during November 04, some kids stomped on the bush and broke the whole plant, I
sniped the plant off and just put the mulch that was all around it and covered it for the winter. I
placed the plant itself in a plastic clear bucket with water and have left it ever since inside. I don't know
if I can root this plant that has its flower casings all over the plant still. Do you think the plant left
under the mulch and ground will grow back this spring. I'm hoping it will, it was a $40.00 plant.
Any help with witch hazel tips is appreciated. I just also ordered a vernalis witch hazel variety called 'Sandra', as I saw the fall photos of it in a magazine and was told its a very good selection? and just wanted to try and grow one like this, any
tip on this variety also is appreciated.

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