Been to see a storyteller!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Lambton (that's my pet dragon) and I have been out for the day again. We've been to see a storyteller called Chris B. at a local library.
Hmm, here's a link to show what he looks like - he's the second one down.

His storytelling event was called "Tales of the River" and was about tales set round the River Tees. In fact, I don't think they were local legends at all, but adapted by using local place names in them. Never mind, it didn't matter.

He was excellent! What a wonderful way he had with the children. He was very, very funny. The children loved him. He did about 3 stories, with lots of interaction - putting our hands up in the air and all that kind of thing. He set us a riddle as well. Of course, me being keen on this kind of thing, I guessed it right away. The children, surprisingly, couldn't work it out at all. Smartypants here eventually put up her hands and gave him the correct answer. It was one about a river - what has head, mouth, bed and runs etc.

After he had finished I went to speak with him. I'm keen to try my hand at this too. Well, he was very helpful. Unfortunately I've just missed a training day that they've had, but he's put me down on their mailing list for when they have another. Chris comes from Newcastle, about an hour north of me, but seems to know some storytellers who live nearer me. So he might be able to put me in touch with them. I've given him my name,address and email address, so we can keep in touch, and I have a pamphlet with his details on too. He also gave me some practical advice about starting up. And we nattered on about mutual friends too. I got on very well with him.

Oh, and the local librarian has given me contact details too, for when I want to try doing a little bit of voluntary work there.

All in all, a very good day.

This message was edited Feb 5, 2006 9:18 AM

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

This is good news Diane :)
Sounds like a very interesting time, a good afternoon out and some helpfull leads too.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Northerner, I just noticed your lovely visit with the Storyteller fellow. It sounds like so much fun. With a bit of practice, you would probably be quite good at it.
Nearby here is a place called the John C Campbell Folk School where they host storytelling gatherings, folk dancing, concerts and many, many other activities.
I've never been to hear any of the story tellers but there apparently is some kind of traveling curcuit that brings guest story tellers to our area and elsewhere, similar to a concert tour.
Good luck with it and with your volunteer work..

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

This has been a good day indeed! I hope he does keep in touch with you. this could turn out to be one of the things you are so good at!

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