My foe's are my own two dogs

Ormond Beach, FL(Zone 9a)

My dogs love to lay in the garden and stomp all over my plants. Is there anything I can do to deter them short of fencing off my garden?

Little Rock, AR(Zone 8a)

My dogs are just the same. I have used low decorative wire fencing around the edge of beds, about 18" high. It usually discourages them. It doesn't look too bad if you have a border plant grow through it. Also I find that if I use decorative rocks around their favorite places they don't like lying on them. I have lots of rocks here in Little Rock, any time I dig a hole I did up more largish rocks. I put my rose garden in the front side yard where the dogs cant run through it, but the few roses I have in the back, as well as decorative shrubs are always decorated with Collie Hair. That is what a collierose is. My sister in Austin said that the dog trainer she has been taking classes from recommended keeping dogs claws cut really short. She said you trim them a little like 3 times a week. Apparently it is no fun to scratch and dig without long nails. A friend of mine who is a dog lover finally resorted to a very low pulse electric fence around her garden and ponds. Her dogs make beds in the beds and went after the Koi in her ponds. The dogs learned really quickly and she could turn it off unless they had a relapse. She loves her dogs alot and takes great care of them but she had to try something. None suffered any ill effects.

Huntsville, AL(Zone 7b)

If they have only one or two "special " places you might sprinkle some cayenne powder or flakes around. It won't hurt them but it should get their attention.

Ormond Beach, FL(Zone 9a)

I tried the wire fencing but they just pushed though it and it ended up causeing more damage then without it. I'll try the cayenne peppers but I love spicey food that they also get nibbles of so they may think it's snack time. I'll let you know, thank you.

Huntsville, AL(Zone 7b)

Try habenero

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