Kale and collards

Hermosa Beach, CA

I live in California and would really like to grow a tuscan kale...unfortunatly it seems that the entire kale family seems to thrive in cool/cold climates. Did anybody attempt to grow it in a warm climate? What's the result?
My second choice would be collards, apparently they don't seem to be so cold-friendly.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Have no problem growing kale and collards in the winter here. Plant in September and harvest from December to March when they begin to bolt. Have't tried the Tuscan, but the standard varieties of kale like Siberian, Blue Curled Scotch, Vates and thier derivatives do well.

Hermosa Beach, CA


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

And try Swiss chard. I grow "Bright Lights." Very pretty, delicious and perennial here.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

My collard plants that froze down to the ground are making a comeback. I guess i better get a few of those leaves and eat them before they put up seed stalks.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Yuksa, my swiss chard is history. I guess it's too cold here for it to overwinter.Well, I'll just have to plant somemore. I have grown bright lights, it's beautiful!

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Pat Meadows of Container Seeds over wintered it in a large container on a deck by wrapping it. She's in northern Pennsylvania, zone 4. So keep trying! Yuska

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Good for her! Mine is in the ground exposed to cold winds out of the north/northwest. The continual freezing and thawing did it in. I'll just put a few new seeds in the ground and see waht happens.

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