Leaves eaten

Valdosta, GA(Zone 8a)

I panted my Patriotic Morning Glories out. They were in peat pots 1&2 leaves, & roots comming out the bottom. Will the die now or come back out. Long stems still there.
Thanks for any info you may have.

Thumbnail by hamp2468
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

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It's amazing to me how often plants you think have been destroyed will put out new growth & do fine. Other times, there's nothing to do but start some new seeds. I would think you'd know in a few days if your seedlings are done for or not. You might give them a little booster drink of fertilizer water (half strength if you haven't fertilized them before).

My biggest problem with new seedings in spring is probably slugs. If you see them, sprinkle some slug bait or diatomaceous earth around your seedlings so they don't get stripped again.

Valdosta, GA(Zone 8a)

Hey I'll try all the things you said, there's something in there that says right.
Thanks alot, Sherry.

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