Happy Birthday Adinamiti !

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Well...now I 'm wright in time.. Many happy returns of this day and I wish you a happy birthday !

Santiago, Chile(Zone 9b)

Happy Birthday wishes to our Romanian friend!

Greetings from Chile,


Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

Thank you so much, what a nice surprise ! I'm sorry I didn't answer you earlier, I didn't immagine someone would make me such a wonderful surprise !
Ursula, Saya thanks again, you've made my day !
Here is my birthday cake !

Thumbnail by adinamiti
Santiago, Chile(Zone 9b)

Looks delicious, Adina, and very creative!


Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Ursula, I like cooking and also eating it. I cook this cake for my birthday because I am in Pisces and it fits.
What are you going to cook for Easter ? We'll celebrate Easter on the 1st of May because we are orthodox. Here is the recipe for the Kiwi fish cake, if you'd like to cook it .

Kiwi fish-like cake

Ingredients for the cake
- 3 eggs
- 4 spoons sugar
- 3 spoons all purpose flour
- 2 spoons potatoe flour
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
Ingredients for the cream
- 1 egg
- 3 spoons sugar
- 2 spoons potatoe flour
- 1 cup milk(250 ml)
- ˝ cup whipped cream
- 1 vanilla sugar
- 4 kiwi
- 1 clear gelatine for topping
- ˝ cup whipped cream
- ˝ cup green phistachi
- 1 thick paper fish form
1. Grease and flour a rectangular pan, 20/40 cm. Mix sugar with egg yellows. Add flour combined with baking powder and potatoe flour, then the whipped egg whites. Pour the batter into the pan and bake in the preheat oven, middle fire, for 15 minutes. Let the cake get cold out of the oven, then get it out of the pan.
2. Boil 2/3 of the milk on a slow fire. Meanwhile, mix the egg with sugar, potatoe flour, vanilla and the rest 1/3 of the milk. When the milk is boiling, pour the mix and stir quickly, until it gets thicker. Leave the cream to get cold, then freeze it in the refrigerator. Now you can mix the whipped cream with the cold cream.
3. You’ll have to draw a fish, as big as your pan, on a thick paper and then cut it with a scissors, so you can have a fish-form, after which you’ll cut the cake.
4. Cut the cake in 2, fill in with half of the cream, then cut the cake after the fish-form. Put on top the rest of the cream.
5. Peel and slice the kiwis, into thin slices : each piece has to be cut into 8 slices. You’ll need 32 slices for topping the “fish”. Arrange the slices as you see in the picture.
6. Prepare the gelatine after the instructions from the box and pour it over the slices.
7. Put the rest of the whipped cream in a sprinkle or a plastic bag, cut at one end, and make the top ornaments : ear and eye of the “fish”. Then cover the cake with the rest of the whipped cream, on the sides.
8. Cut the green phistacchi into little pieces and sprinkle it on the sides , over the whipped cream, with a big knife.

Have a Happy Easter !

Santiago, Chile(Zone 9b)

WOW, thank you very much Adina! Maybe you should post your picture and receipe at the Recipes forum, where I am sure lots of people will enjoy it.

Happy Spring to you!


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