Plum tomato seeds

south central, WI(Zone 5a)

Have looked for both red and yellow Plum tomato seeds with no luck . I have the Pear seeds-but prefer the plum-Anyone know of a resource?

Louisville, KY

Tanger Song Farm has ten or eleven varieties of the Plum Tomato you are looking for. Cindy, has a great selection of Heirloom tomato varieties.

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)


Marianna's Heirloom Seeds also has a good selection of plum tomatoes as well as other varieties that are hard to find.

Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

Marcia, here's another very good resource for tomato seeds. - Flip

Flanders, NJ(Zone 6a)

Marcia, heilo and good luck. I'm curious to know what is a plum tomato, paste, red, black,purple, yellow. Thanx, and good luck hunting. Danny

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Danny, they're shaped like a plum, more round rather than elongated like a paste tomato, small to medium in size. Most usually are not as dry as a paste tomato and come in all the above colors, not sure of a purple one.

Temple, GA(Zone 7b)

Last year I ordered several varieties of plum tomatoes from a place you may have heard of. It's called 'Totally Tomatoes.' I was also able to get several different varieties of heirloom tomatoes & peppers. And I had a good experience with that company.
Web adress is:, or the phone # is 1-800-345-5977.

I hope this will help,
Traci S

MIddletown, OH(Zone 6a)

Wal-Mart had San Marzano seed packets for 25 cents. I purchased the seed last year and this year. The tomatoes are great.

south central, WI(Zone 5a)

Thanks so much, may try a couple of varieties; time to start-almost. got a few inches of snow yesterday. Sigh!!!!!!!!!

Hermosa Beach, CA

Marcia, you should try the seed swapping forum. People have lots of different kinds of tomatoes there.

Chicago, IL


I am from Chicago and in almost all of the grocery stores in this area I am able to find "Plum Tomatoes"... this is the name displayed on the shelf.

I know that there are many types of plum tomatoes but I am interested only in a type that has big fruits. The ones that I am refering to from the grocery stores are pretty big and I asked the store owners about them...

They are brought from Mexico and on their box it's written:
Roma Tomatoes - Pony Brand
Grown and Packed by: Agricola Pony S.A de C.V. - Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico.

I really like them and I would like to find their seeds. I bought some Roma tomato seeds and tried them in my garden but the fruits are smaller that the ones that I mentioned above.

I am a little bit confused about how to find the seeds for that particular type of plum tomatoes.

Could someone please help me identify the right seeds?


This message was edited Apr 19, 2005 2:59 PM

Chicago, IL

And also, am I gonna be able to grow them in my garden in the Chicago area?


This message was edited Apr 19, 2005 3:01 PM

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Hi xsulescu!

Welcome to DG. I'm in Chicago also and I have no problem growing tomatoes. I've grown Roma before and last year I tried a hybrid named Big Mama from Burpee. It's a large plum variety. I was very pleased with them. Bunches of tomatoes and in the fall when it was time to pull out the plants I picked all the green ones and filled two Jewel bags full! Out of curiosity I weighed the bags and had 33 lbs. of tomatoes. I let them sit in the house and ripen and ate my last tomato in December. I'm growing them again this year.

Anyway I think you would find alot more info on the tomato forum. All about tomatoes and how to grow and where to find the seeds you're looking for. You'll find alot of expert growers there.

Good luck and happy gardening!


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