New natives I spotted today...

Modi'in, Israel

I promise to try to get pics of these this weekend if my camera actually comes back from the shop!

In any case, on the way to and from school this afternoon, I spotted several new things in bloom. And it was astounding how much in general was in one square meter no matter where you looked in the as yet uncultivated park, there'd be at least a dozen different plants...usually more.

In any case, I digress, the plants I saw were:

Echium rauwolffii
Capparis spinosa
Hyacinthus orientalis
Linum pubescens
Campanula rapunculus
Campanula strigosa

and one other blue one that I haven't ID'd yet. It was a fun little walk despite the grey skies and threats of more rain....


edited to add 2 more that I now remember seeing on my walk today:

Silybum marianum - both white and deep pink flowers
Carduus argentatus

This message was edited Mar 9, 2005 6:40 PM

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Sounds like excellent candidates for PF images. Be sure to capture more than just the bloom...get the plant with something in the picture for a size reference...stems...roots if possible...go back and get the seed pods...and the seeds. Each plant has the possibility of 3 or 4 images each....just make sure that you don't dig up something protected or endangered to get a shot of the roots.

Modi'in, Israel

Melody, I'll be sure to add the pics to the PF when my camera is funcational again. I won't be getting a shot of the roots though as most everything in Israel is protected. If I don't want to bring a baby plant home to put in my garden and let it grow there, I won't be digging it up or taking cuttings. But I will try to get as many shots as I can of each.


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

I wouldn't dare dig up most stuff just to get an image of the roots...but I've been working on several weedy/invasives and the root systems are amazing....besides that...most of them would never become endangered in anyone's wildest dreams...they'll be here after a nuculer holocost...weeds..cockroaches and Cher....they'll always be with us.

But, you can think outside the box a little and get some great shots just as they are...are the leaf axils/joints unique? Sometimes a plant will send down little rootlets from the can turn over a branch and look with a magnifying glass. Great info for PF. If your camera does not have extremely close macro...hold the magnifying glass in front of the lens and move it around till the area is in focus....voila! instant extreme macro.

Same with the flowers and seeds. Lots of unique shots if you think about it.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

I like some idea of the habitat in which the plant is found, too.

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