Giant Pumpkins

Willits, CA(Zone 8a)

Does anyone here have experience growing Giant Pumpkins?
I purchased some Dill's Atlantic Giant seeds. They're supposed to grow to 800-1000 lbs!

I know there are "tricks" to making them grow big. I just don't know what they are.

Victorville, CA

I remember reading something a long time ago about taking a bowl of milk and making a small slit in the vine and taking a piece of cotton cloth and use it like a wick. It's like an IV for the pumpkin. I have never tried it myself but it was something I read.

Pleasant Grove, UT(Zone 6b)

I have a buddy that has gotten 500 lb pumpkins... he picks all off a vine except one and makes sure that there is adequate compost added to the soil up front and about a foot deeper than the hole (double digs) and amends at that point. Then he side dresses a couple of times but I am not sure what with. Fertilizer of course but... I am not sure what with. Then waters a lot after the vine is established carefully so as not to get the foilage wet.


Willits, CA(Zone 8a) I'll double dig the hole (I know how to do that....makes a huge difference no matter what you plant), add lots of compost, pick off all but one pumpkin (I wonder how you know which one to leave & at what point do you take off the extras?), and fertilize along the way.
The milk thing sounds interesting....Maybe I'll try that on one, just to see what happens.
We're going to plant at least two vines, maybe 3 or 4.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

I think the "milk thing" is in the same category as snipe hunting. At least everytime I have heard the story it was some experienced grower, pulling the leg of a novice. They would roll on the floor laughing as soon as the victim was out of sight. Always heard it for tomatoes not pumpkins tho.

Willits, CA(Zone 8a)

Novice here.....
Thanks for the tip!
I thought it sounded kind of odd.

Victorville, CA

I told you it was something I read years ago so it probably was a spoof from some old coot. Novice here too cuz I thought it was true. Tee Hee!

Timberlea, NS(Zone 6a)

I remember the milk-fed pumpkin story in a book I read as a kid. It may have been Laura Ingles-Wilder; can't quite remember now. The story featured a young boy who grows a milk-fed pumpkin that wins the county fair. I remember asking my mom about it at the time and she said it was nonsense.


Victorville, CA

You know I read those too. Probably where I got it from. Darn it, now it's gonna bug me til I go thru those books again.

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