I'm A NewBee...

Flanders, NJ(Zone 6a)

Hello all, I'm an avid gardener, and I'm new to the game of greenhouses. I've been gardening for about 2 years, and with Dave's for about the same duration. I'm looking to purchase a small greenHouse, and I have no to little skills with construction, so that idea is out the window. I received 2 catalogues so far, FarmTek Growers Supply, and Charley's GreenHouse & Garden, and I'm planning on ordering a greenHouse soon. I'm looking for something in the area of 9' W x 7-8'H x 10' L. Nothing major, and all of your input will be appreciated. Thanx, Danny

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)


The best advise I received was to get the largest size I could afford. it was good advise. It's amazing how fast you can fill it. Think of the plants you currently own, the ones you plan to place in the greenhouse, and what you may acquire in the near future. I started with a few orchids and within the year filled an 8 X 8 X 8 polycarbonate greenhouse. I plan to mount some of my orchids on cork and mount them on the wall to give me room for more. I needed to overwinter a large citrus collection — they are in 24" or 30" pots. My husband bought a 20 X 20 X 12 from FarmTex. If you wander through the greenhouses forum, you'll notice that many of the greenhouses mentioned came from FarmTek. You will notice that instruction are woefully inadequate, but I think that's universal. We didn't need extra help, but some DGers say that FarmTek answered all their questions. I have bought a number of things from Charley's Greenhouse, but they are rather expensive.

Have a look at this website.


I have ordered some greenhouse components from them. They were prompt and the prices were reasonable. Good hunting! Part of the fun is in the shopping.


Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

I agree with betty dee, get the largest gh you can afford. This is my second one. as when i move had to have another built. This is located on the north east corner of my garage. It is 10 by 14 and gets very crowded this time of year. Here is a picture of brug Whiskers blooming at north side of gh. DonnaS

Thumbnail by rutholive
Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

And here is what I call my mini gh's. They are placed in the passage way between my garage and house. This is the first year for 2 of them, the one with the plants in it is 3 years old now. Has zipper front opening., and I just took the picture with the sun shining on them. Have to watch carefully when the weather gets warmer. DonnaS

Thumbnail by rutholive
Flanders, NJ(Zone 6a)

BettyDee and Donna, thanx for sharing the info. Keep the pics and the info coming. I'm looking for something about this size, and the price seems reasonable. Basically, I'm shopping around for this sized greenHouse, and around this ballpark in regards to price. Check out this pic, and let me know what ya think.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Dan My thoughts would be that it is pretty small and will be hard to keep cool when ;the sun shines. I don't know what all you are plannint grow. I grow practically all my annuals, a lot perennials, and other things. And do keep the temp between 50 and 55 degrees in the winter and hold lots of not winter hardy plants over in the gh. Also lots of cuttings, and my 10 x 14 is very crowded from now on. I don't keep anything in it in the summer , Tooooooooooo hot. Best wishes DonnaS

Goshen, OH(Zone 6a)

you need to talk to badseed, she just built one. she probably has some great hints. we have watched her thread from beginning to end. I am sure can help


My DH built me a small hoop house http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/468052/ this last fall. After going through a winter with it I see I need to ask to him frame in, on both ends, an area where we can put in temperature controlled vents. Other than that it has been wonderful!!!

Now that spring is here I have emptied it, slipped a piece of shadecloth over the top and filled it with cuttings and divided plants that need a well lit, but cooler environment.

Possibly something like this would work for you?

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